So I suddenly had the realization that my life seems to be gradually turning into Audrey Hepburn's Breakfast at Tiffany's. Not that I mind because Audrey is my home-girl and I adore her. I'm slowly accumulating all her movies, and I dig um. I also love the song she sings in Tiffany's called Moon River.
It is short, but sweet. If you notice, the gentleman at the beginning writes: "My Friend. There was once a very lovely, very frightening girl. She lived alone except for a nameless cat." I'm also inclined to believe that Audrey Hepburn is the only woman who looks extremely fabulous with a towel wrapped around her head while wearing a baggy gray sweat shirt, skinny jeans, and black ballet flats. This is going to be my outfit of choice, minus the towel, for the fall. I can feel it. Hey, if Audrey can do it and get away with it, I can to. If everything goes well I'll get a little ring from a crackerjack box, get it engraved at Tiffany's, dance with Fred Astaire, sing in My Fair Lady, fall for the older brother played by Humphrey Bogart (and we all know the older brother is Steve, and I think Bogie would do him justice in a movie. They're both mysterious) and eventually work for UNICEF helping all the starving children. Works for me. Where do I sign up for the Audrey Hepburn fast track?
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'