I don't think that my nails are going to make it to the wedding. Today I had to do truck and I didn't have any nail polish on to make my nails a little stronger. Now they're chipping between the layers of my nails, you know, like flaking? This makes me sad because I've been putting a lot of time into them. See how long and well shaped I've been keeping them?
I've came to the realization that it's just not "me" to do my nails. I can paint them from time to time when I want to pamper myself, but I like things in my life simple and practical. Long nails are not practical. You can't close your hands into a fist, you can't type with your finger tips, you scratch yourself, your constantly filing them and re-shaping them, and re-painting them. Too much work.
However, I am so close to my goal so I don't want to cut just yet! I also think that I need to be myself, and that is something I haven't been staying true to lately. A lot of that has to do with my work situation so I'm looking into finding a new job. There is just a lot of pressure to conform and I've never been good at that. I'm a weird one who is very sensitive to prejudices around me. I just need to find some hippies to work with who don't care if I haven't shaved in a while or if I don't wear make-up or don't style my hair every day or don't do my nails or don't eat meat and who don't make me extremely self-conscious. Yeah, I like it.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'