It has been a while since I have had a pregnancy dream, but I just had one last night. It was the first one where I wasn't freaking out and I was genuinely happy and content about being prego. And surprisingly enough it was the first pregnancy dream I've had that my parent's didn't try to kill me because of it. That could be because the last time I had a pregnancy dream I was under the age of 18. It was just a really nice dream, although I was freaking out about getting enough protein so I ate like 50 soy hot-dogs and I was concerned about folic acid too but you know, that's the kind of stuff that I really would be worrying about if I was pregnant in real life and not in a dream. It was also very realistic because I even had morning sickness. Normally when I have a pregnancy dream they're very fantastical. Once, I had one where I could see through my stomach when the sunlight hit it. This dream was just really peaceful and it was fabulous and very funny cause the whole time I was thinking: "this isn't possible, you have to have the bow- chica- bow- wow to make a baby."
So symbolically speaking, I must be expecting something to happen or something is very fruitful in my life right now and I'm cool with that.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'