A few months ago Steven realized that I was lactose intolerant. I was just so used to having an upset stomach every time I ate that I never made the connection. It took him to say "do you realize you get sick every time you have milk" for me to go...huh... yeah I do. After giving up milk I've felt better then I ever have digestively speaking. I've been trying to make the transition to soymilk for a while. It has been a long road paved with iced soy caramel macchiatos with sugar-free vanilla, but I finally can't taste much of a difference. I also don't like lactaid. Going without milk has made me just not like the taste. Tonight I finally ate cereal with soymilk and enjoyed it. It was the first time I've had cereal since April.
3 Remarks:
congrats! i am very happy for you. hooray for soymilk! another happy convert.
I use Lactaid milk... but I've always been curious about soy milk.
Lactaid was just too sour for me. I'm still transitioning to soy. It takes a while. It is good but it really doesn't taste like milk. It tastes more like a vanilla drink. I still can't drink it straight but it is really great mixed with stuff! If you can find some on sale (sometimes the dollar tree gets in soymilk) it's worth a try.
I find it very funny that the only two lactose intolerant people I know are the ones who responded to my post. :P
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'