On my way up 81 I saw something kind of strange that I wanted to write about. For most of the way I was either passing or being passed by 4 school buses. No one was in them and they weren't marked with a school system (they were the exact bus shown above). The lead bus was actually pulling a car behind it! I thought the whole thing was really odd. The only guess I could come up with was that they were delivering these new buses and they were going to ride in the car back to wherever they came from. I've never thought about how school buses get to their schools before. It was interesting to think about and kept me entertained for a good portion of my 4-5 hour drive.
Even more interesting was the fact that new buses come with tinted windows. I'm not sure if this is to protect the kids from spectators or to protect people on the roads from the kids. I remember some pretty horrible things fellow bus-mates used to yell or throw or flash in front of the windows. Kids.
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