29 September 2010

Better Than Fine

At my office gig I've been doing a lot of offer letters.  It's probably one of the only things at work I use my degree for besides the company newsletter which, I'm convinced, no one reads (Kind of like this blog lately).  Offers aren't even that language oriented since I basically copy and paste into a template and send it along to corporate for the green light.

Every offer letter I get the same response back..."The offer letter is fine."  No matter who approves it...I know that's probably the set "line," but is it too much to ask to get a "spectacular, fantastic, orgasmic, brilliant, so amazing we need to publish it" reply?

Really?  Too much?

Maybe they can just send me a gold star for Christmas.

Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Eh, I'm at the time of my life where I'm really trying to prepare my body for kids in a few years. Alcohol is fun, but only once in a while for me. Once you start to depend on it, then you have a problem and should re-access why you need alcohol to cope. I don't like to use things as crutches and I don't do well with things that make me loose control.

Drugs, I've never done those. I had a math teacher in middle school that told me that weed would cause birth defects even if I smoked it early on and only one time. That's probably absolute crap, but I've never wanted to risk it.  Mr. Cole probably saved me from getting mixed up with some bad folks in high school.  A few of my friends actually got expelled for possession.  But, my unborn chillins are super important to me and were even back then.

I'd never want to try the heavy crap like cocaine, but if I was 80 or 90 and at the end of my life, I could totally see myself putting some Bob Marley on and blazing away.

Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?

My best friend and I have only had one fight in the 16+ years I've know her and it was over something big and important. After we yelled via AIM we didn't talk for a few months.  I still stand by what I said, but I realized that having her in my life was much more important then what we were fighting about.

But if anything had happened during that time I would have been there--hands down.  Pride doesn't get you anywhere if you loose people because of it.

24 September 2010

I read everything about Newfies before we decided to get one.  Great breed, I highly recommend them, but I'm starting to learn that they're full of crazy antics.  If I remember correctly, I did read a blog about a guy and his crazy newfs...

Most dogs are a little crazy, but imagine when your dog weighs over 100 pounds and if he stood up on his back legs, he'd be as tall as you are...sometimes he's a train plowing through the living room and once he gets something in his head...I don't really have the manpower to stop him.

Other times he's so lazy we literally have to roll him out of the room.  In fact, S does this every morning before he takes a shower because the dog sleeps in our bathroom.  Sometimes I have to poke him to make sure he's still with us.

Last week we took Bramallama to hang out with the "in-laws" pups.  He gets so excited when he realizes we're in their neighborhood.  A part of me thinks he'd much rather live there then with us.  He also loves to roll with the windows down so that he can fly drool kites.  When we pulled up to the house, Mr. Happy jumped out of the car window and ran to the front door eager for someone to let him back into his house...

S and I just turned and looked at eachother...yeah, our dog just did that...It's was at that moment I started to suspect that the dog secretly hates us...and part of me thinks we should get Bramston a dog...yes, I just said we should get the dog a dog, so that he has a friend.  Is that a new level of spoiled, a reasonable solution, or am I just trying to bribe my way into our dog's heart?

Either way...he's grounded from window privileges for a while.

Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.

This one seems a bit strange to me since there are tons of things that I can live without, and I do. Is that such a bad thing?  I think that the Big S and I could definitely be a little bit more minimalistic.

Right now, if I had to pick, I'd go with my trainer. :D She's kicking my butt and I really just want a chocolate milkshake with a pack of chewy chips ahoy, on a donut coaster...OK, I could probably live without that too.

Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

I literally couldn't live without vaccinations/antibiotics!  Too literal? Maybe.  But I picked up every sickness I could when I was a kid and I was always sick!  If I had been born during any other time period I don't think I would have made it to my teenage years.  When I was 16, I found out that I am a carrier for tuberculosis.  It has never become active, i.e. gotten to my lungs so that I can spread the love around, but I was still put on a 9 month treatment of antibiotics just in case.  In a few years it's recommended that I do another round of the horse pills, but I'd like to put that off as long as possible.

I haven't tried going without either of these things, but a few people recently have and we're seeing diseases we thought we'd eradicated sneaking back up. Like polio and whooping cough, and other such crazy things.  It's a pity, really, since all the research has shown that the autism/vaccine link is crap and that if we vaccinate we can save a lot of people. 

So, thank you, modern medicine!


23 September 2010

I love a good tidy-ooop

Since the weather is cooling down, I sense that it is almost time for my semi-annual rummage and organization fest!  It's time to go through every closet, box up things we aren't using, and give them away!

I love, love, love when our house is clutter free.  It hasn't been completely organized since we moved in.  I try and I try, but we have so much freaking crap!  If I could offer one piece of advice to people combining households: narrow down what you're keeping and give things away before you move.  You will spend 6 months trying to give away your college microwaves to good homes.  And you will use up so much cabinet space with 2 George Foreman grills and the electric grill that your mother gave you. I guarantee. 

I think I'm going to spend a lot of time organizing the new office we built out in the basement, find a way to organize S's computer cords, and put some things on craigslist.  Such as: a bookshelf, a broken treadmill, a TV, and crap, crap, and more crap. 

I've decided to get rid of my stereo.  I haven't used it in a year and I only still have it for the record player.  If anyone wants to gift me a vintage-looking, portable record player that would be great. :D  S would just like me to have everything on an mp3, but I like to kick it old-school every now and again.  Plus, they make record players that will convert to mp3.  Hello, $0.05 vinyl albums converted to my iPod!

Maybe if I'm feeling super ambitious I'll get out my fall decor and spruce up the joint!  Still looking for rugs and I also still need to put up blinds...c'est la vie.  I'm not to stressed about that cause I know the dog would find someway to ruin the rug, and the cats would pull down the blinds.  Some how, some way I'd come home to a plundered livingroom.

If I'm really feeling motivated, I'll hire a maid.  A maid might just be my Christmas present to myself.  I don't want to give up anymore weekends to cleaning.  There are 100,000 more things I would rather be doing.

Can you tell that Autumn is my favorite season?   Can you also tell that my energy level has come back up from all the working out and the better eating?

Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)

Dear Maw Maw,

Hands down, you're the type of grandmother I want to be.  Holidays were the best when I got to spend them at your house.  I would count down the days until Christmas starting in the summer because I knew Christmas morning we'd be on the road to Charlotte, NC and your mashed potatoes.  You are a style icon and a timeless beauty. 

It sucks that you got alzheimers and are no longer the amazing person you once were.  You never let me down, but this stupid disease did.  I really wish you could still remember me, but I'll remember you as long as I can.  And hopefully if alzheimers claims be too, I won't lose the memory of those Christmases, the way all your linens always smelled, the taste of your home-made candies, and you.


21 September 2010

Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

I guess my sense of style?  I put a lot of effort into how I decorate the house and I get a lot of good feedback about it.  I try to keep things classy and a little timeless.  I guess that's a good way to to describe me classy and a little timeless.

People also always tell me that I've always got a smile on my face.  It's important to stay positive about things even when things don't look so good.

Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.

I don't know that I spend a lot of time worried about things I'm not complimented on.  If  I like it, do I really need someone else to tell me they like it?

Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

I wish I wasn't so good at cutting people out of my life, but it has come in handy on more than one occasion.  If I want you in my life then I'll at least try, if not I get my Amish shunning skills on.

And everyone I've met along the way, even if they weren't so good to me, has taught me a lot about people and myself, so it's good I knew them.

(Also aware that this makes me come off as kind of a biotch...I just don't do drama folks)

Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

Dear John Lennon (Both solo and in The Beatles),

You've gotten me through some great summers and some deep stress.  Every time I listen to you, you remind me to fight when I need to, love when I need to, and most importantly to give peace a chance.

And when people call me a dreamer, you remind me that I'm not the only one. 

Shine on, John!

17 September 2010

Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.

In the 7th grade my friend Whitney moved back to Oklahoma.  Since I've never been to Oklahoma you can tell that I never went to visit her, but we were avid pen pals for a few years after her move.

I still have all our letters saved in a box.  She was such an awesome person and I miss being able to talk and dream with her.  She was always so crazy and I admire crazy people who aren't afraid to march to their own drum.

She's still in OK and I'm still in VA, so I doubt we'll ever get to hang out again or even see her again, but I didn't let her go on purpose.  We just grew up.

This just re-emphasizes that growing up is really dumb.  I'd really like to do it less.

16 September 2010

Sorry I started going out of order...but if I didn't catch up soon it would have taken me days to play catch-up.

Thanks for sticking with me!

Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for. (So behind on this)

Something I need to forgive myself for...there are a lot of thing, but one really stands out for me.

During S's 21st b-day party (we weren't together yet), I made a huge fool out of myself.

I drank--a lot--too much and I acted ridic.

Long story short, I woke up in a very uncomfortable predicament with one of his roomies and it was a place that my sobered up self didn't really want to be. (nothing too serious ya'll, but still)

So for the rest of the weekend I slept in Big S's room because he made me feel safe. He always has and always will. 

Since then I haven't had anything more than half a margarita if I haven't been with either S or my best friend.  It makes me very lame, but after I lost so much control it really terrified me.

And I should forgive myself.  I was young and I was stupid and I know better now.  Still, I regret the whole thing and anytime I drink any alcohol it's pretty much all I think about.

Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.

I've been thinking long and hard about this one and it's difficult to pick one. There are a ton of things that I don't like about myself--I'll save you the grocery list--but something I hate...well that's a little bit more difficult.

I'd like to think that the things I don't like about myself are things that I can work on and improve because I always try to be optimistic, but when I think about things I have no control over that places a lot of blame on environment or other folks.

So what about something I could change but haven't been able to kick just yet?

I like to be in control too much and when I'm not? I stress out...a lot.  I worry about almost everything and I hate that. When I was a little kids I was a nervous puker.  I threw up over almost everything: the first day of school, field trips, tests, when Spice World came out, I mean, you name it.

I eventually grew out of just throwing but now I tear my hands up when I'm stressed out or nervous.  It's so bad that I keep fake nails on most of the time so that I can't pick at my hands.\

I've never been able to figure out why a kid with no real cares in the world would stress out so much.  Now it makes sense since I have bills and work and drama, but I guess I was a little kids that felt all alone in the world.

When I can't control something I get really uneasy.  How do I fix this? The only solution might just be drinking margaritas on the beach...delightful!

Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.

For me, I've made every decision in my life for my future kids.  Hands down I love them more than I can say and I've never even met them.  When I close my eyes and think about them I just feel this warmth in my tummy and that makes me so hopeful.

When I was 16, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and the doctor told me it would be very difficult for me to have kids.  I wanted to punch her in the face!  However, it did help me focus on myself a little more and I picked up some hobbies that were just for me and I made school my priority.  SO I work on me so that I can eventually be good for them.

I've wanted to be a mother since before the age of 5 and even if I can't have them on my own I'm more than willing to adopt.

Right now when I think about the type of world that my kids will come into I get a little sad.  Things are less than ideal, but now's the time to change things so that they don't inherit a crappy planet and any of the things in my DNA that I can prevent passing on.

Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.

When I moved out of the dorms and into my first apartment I moved in with someone who I considered a good friend at the time.

It turns out that she had severe depression issues I didn't know about and she had stopped medicating.  I fully believe that some people can get over the blues and don't need medicine to do so, but then there are other folks that should never get off the pills.  She should never be off the pills.

Her behavior got really aggressive towards me and she started to harass me via internet and text, mostly over the dumbest stuff like a bathroom rug.  I stopped talking to her because confrontation would only make things worse.  I started working a lot more and very late at night so that I could sneak into the apartment once she was asleep.  I'd skip class when she went to class so that I could get things done in the apartment.  My grades suffered.

She started to talk about me to our mutual friends, and since I refused to say things about her they believed her side of things.  There were a few people who I learned were really my friends since they came to me because what she was saying just "didn't sound like Amanda."  I got very scared and would panic about being in my apartment and once I filled my mother in on the situation she told me to move in with S.

So I left all my stuff and furniture except my school stuff and my dirty clothes hamper and slept on S's floor for 2 months so that I could do my finals.  I still paid half the bills and rent even though I wasn't living there.

It was a huge mess.  I still haven't said a word to her or seen her since I left.  Luckily she didn't take any of my things or damage anything, but at the time I was more concerned for me.  There are still some people I haven't talked to since then and that's ok because they believed her and I clearly didn't need them.

Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.

Plain and simple: I hope that I never have to bury a child.  I think it's the hardest thing in the world to outlive your kids. 

I honestly don't think that I'd live through it with my sanity.

Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.

It seems like everyone has put that they want to deliver a baby naturally...which is totally my answer because I'm terrified of the needles too! (Maybe that's a common fear?)  But I'm going to go with something different.

I really want to move to England.  I've always love English culture and history and I've wanted to live there since elementary school.  I've been there to visit once and I love, love, loved it.  I'm also a weirdo who likes crappy, coldish weather, peacoats, tea, scones, and knitwear.

Maybe once we retire we can move there, but right now my honey works for the government and he wouldn't be able to do that again if we lived over seas.  They're very particular about that, sadly.

11 September 2010

Attack the Fat 2

Since my last post might have made you think I'm a sociopath...how about I talk about something normal?

S and I start the second round of Attack the Fat at our gym on Monday.  I"m dreading it!  We got a very hard trainer, whom I don't like.  Whenever I see her with clients they always look like they're in the worst pain of their lives...like child birth or something. How am I supposed to want to work out if it isn't even fun?  Not to mention she looks thru people when she talks with them and calls them sweetie or honey so that she doesn't have to remember their names (sorry, rant.  I just hate that!).

To make things worse, the scale is not going to say good things.  We've had two months off, just two, and you'd think I could maintain that.  I thought I'd gained maybe 5 pounds because my smaller clothes still fit...well when I weighed this week to see what I was getting myself into...the scale said I had gained everything back.

I think the scale is a little liar pants and I will go to my grave saying my sodium intake is causing me to hold onto water.

So, tomorrow I can either eat my "last meal" or I can not eat at all and drink 3 gallons of water.  Either way, my fitness test is not going to be pretty come Monday. 

Maybe I'll think of it as carb-ing up.  It is a competition with prizes for the team that wins.  S has gotten the biggest individual loser award before (makes me want to hate him, if I wasn't so dang proud of him), so maybe we'll have a shot at winning one.

Goodbye carbs, diet soda, and caffeine.  I'll miss you!

Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.

I know I'm behind on day one, but I can't think of something that I hate about myself. I've started a million drafts! There are about 100 things I don't like, but none of them stand out as something I hate...at least nothing yet, and I've been thinking on it and maybe working myself into a bit of a funk focusing on all the negatives about my appearance and character.

So I'm forging ahead to day 2 with the intention of going back to one.

Something I love about myself is that I have any sort of people skills. That may sound like a weird one, but I was raised by two hermits who found one another and have one of the weirdest relationships I've ever seen. When people ask me about my family I give them the blankest stare...like what's that? I seriously couldn't tell you if my father has ever had a best friend because I've never seen him interact with another male in a fun or recreational capacity. My mother has never once had a dinner party or kept a friend for more than a hot minute. In fact my mother's personality makes things super awkward with people.  It's one of many factors I suspect is behind the distance my half-siblings keep. (I guess I should also throw in there that I love the rents since it seems pretty harsh on them)

Since I'm essentially an only child, I had a lot of issues figuring other kids out. In the 5th grade I actually had someone tell me that the first time they met me they thought I was special-ed. I was, by every definition, a space cadet who spent most of her time reading or playing in the woods making up elaborate worlds in my head (once when it snowed, I spent an entire day pretending I was Mr. Tumnus from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe)...so I guess I can't be too mad about that comment. Even though it made me cry at the time I'm still in contact with the person who said it.

After a comment like that, it was my personal challenge to throw myself into social situations: birthday parties, clubs at school, etc., but only in small doses. All of them were agonizing, but they helped me gain some experience.  I don't feel bad for missing out on a lot of things.  I selected what I wanted to do based on how much I felt I could handle.  So no regrets.  I spent a lot of great time with people I still consider friends.

Somewhere down the line I became a little bit more extroverted, but it's still a conscious effort.  In college alcohol helped a lot. All of my jobs have involve massive amounts of human interaction: serving at restaurants, daycare, lots of retail, managing, being a receptionist, and now HR.  I've done that on purpose.

I love that I worked on it and got better. I love that I'm comfortable enough to be in a functioning romantic relationship with open communication. Being involved with people was hard, but I didn't have more than 1 or 2 guy friends until college. In fact, my first semester was spent at an all girls college. What was I thinking?

Now my parents think I'm weird and slightly obnoxious because I talk to people. I still only have one or two good friends, but I try really hard to keep up with other folks and I'm still learning. Mr. S's mother is a born extrovert and I analyze her in social situations. Does that make me a creeper?

I know that I'll always be more comfortable reading a book, but maybe one day I'll feel completely comfortable in a crowd and I like that.

My optimism, yeah, I love that too!

10 September 2010

30 Day Challenge

A few of my blogger buddies are doing a 30 day blog challenge...The challenge for me will be to see if I can remember to do it every day. :D

Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.
Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.
Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.
Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.
Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.
Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.
Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.
Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.
Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.
Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)
Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)
Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.
Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.
Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.
Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.
Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)
Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?
Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?
Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.
Day 30 → A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself

09 September 2010

Anniversary Trip

Last Thursday I celebrated 3 years with my amazing Mr. S.  It really doesn't seem like we've been together that long, but I guess that's a good thing!

We spent the labor day weekend in Georgetown and it was so nice to get away from things for a while.  I actually took time off from work and the grandparents watched the dog. (Please don't pass out from the shock of it all).

Now, you may be asking why we got a hotel 45 minutes from our house.  Yeah, it's 45 minutes, but it's a completely different world in the District than in the suburbs we roll around in.

We took the metro in Friday night and after we checked into our hotel, that was directly on M St, we went to an Italian restaurant called Paper Moon.  I really loved the atmosphere!  Restaurants in Georgetown are really neat because the whole windowed-fronts of the buildings fold open so that you're inside and outside at the same time.  It's a great way to people-watch.  The food was good.  I got a spinach ravioli that was a normal portion size (but we still paid like $15 for it).  We stopped at Häagen-Dazs on the way back to the hotel.  They had a guy out front who was giving away free samples and he was so entertaining.  He yelled "ice cream!" in as many different voices as he could come up with.  Oh, he made me laugh!  The best part was that I actually think he loved his job.

Saturday we spent the day in the Capital area.  I got a guide book from Barnes & Noble that had a few sites in it we wanted to check out.  I tried to find some things that weren't super touristy.  First we took the metro redline to Friendship-Heights to buy S some shoes.  For some reason he didn't pack walking shoes for this trip...I dunno either.  Then we went to Dupont circle to get Krispy Creme donuts.  I had seen the donut shop when I was driving to the zoo the weekend before and I wanted breakfast.  We ate our delicious goodies in the park by the fountain directly in the middle of Dupont circle.  It was so refreshing to sit with my honey on a bench and just be.  The squirrels and birds were delightfully entertaining and the transvestites and street performers were nothing but memorable.

After our snack, we hopped on the metro again and headed to Eastern Market, a cute little open air market that sells a lot of different things.  The building in the center houses a few delis with some questionable meats and seafood items.  From Eastern Market you can see the capital building, so we hoofed it to the top of the mall when we were finished browsing the market. 

We stopped at the Library of Congress which literally took my breath away!  The great writers of all time are featured in the architecture and there are so many things hidden away and tucked into little tiny spaces.  Right in the center is a huge painting of Minerva, my homegirl, and it made me feel right at home.  The main reading room is only accessible if you have permission to research there, which was disappointing, but you still get to peak in and see what it looks like from behind a huge glass wall.  What made it the best part of the trip was the gift shop!  Where else can you get a Jane Austen action-figure complete with writing desk?

The National Botanical gardens was alright.  It wasn't what I was expecting, but it would be a great hang-out spot during the winter.  After all the walking we did, we were ready to head back to Georgetown. Dinner was just Unos, but it was still good after a long day.  I had a margarita that was pretty delicious.

Sunday was low-key.  We walked to Dumbarton Oaks which took us through the residential area of Georgetown.  I love to look at old houses and I can really be somewhat of a creeper., but it's all good.  We got to the gardens an hour or so before they even opened.  There wasn't really anything to do until they opened, so we decided to come back another time.  I'm really interested to see the gardens since the guidebook listed it as one of the most romantic sites of the city.  The walk was pretty so no complaints.

Then there was the shopping on M St.  Whenever I go into an Anthropologie I'm going to just let them hold me down, beat me, and take all my money.  $300 later I came out with a few nice things.

We found a great cupcake place called Baked and Wired that had an indie vibe to it.  The cupcakes were probably better than Georgetown Cupcakes.  We didn't make it in GC since that place always has a line!  B&W cupcakes were at least made with good ingredients and they were huge!  Yums!

The worst part of the trip was that I had my camera the whole time and I never took a single picture with it.  I guess I was enjoying myself too much!

I Got Tagged

My good friend Caitlin at Married Life in Paradise tagged me in a little survey.

1. If you could have any superpower, what would you have? Why?
I've always been a fan of the rapid ability to heal.  You live forever, never get sick, can fall off of buildings or take bullets to the head...and even get adamantium (sp?) put on your bones and survive it...

2. Who is your style icon?
My grandmother.  I have some pictures of her from the 30's/40's and she was so stylish.  She's also one of the most graceful and elegant people I've ever known. My fondest memories involve going to her house for holidays and I hope that I can make the holidays as special when my time comes around.

3. What is your favorite quote?
I live for words!  If I had to pick, it would be the opening to Pride and Prejudice.  It just gets me so excited for what's about to follow.

4. What is the best compliment you've ever received?
My favorite is when people tell my I'm going to be a great mom one day.  I sure hope so!

5. What playlist/cd is in your CD player/iPod right now?
The most recent thing I've listened to on my ipod was probably Michael Jackson.   I like to have upbeat music while I'm at work.

6. Are you a night owl or a morning person?
Morning person.  I feel like I get so much more done before everyone else I know gets up.  Since I live in a crowded area, it's also a great way to beat the crowds.

7. Do you prefer dogs or cats?
I have to go with cats.  I love my puppy, but my cats have never eaten my shoes, or my windowsills, they can be left alone if I need to be gone for a weekend, and they're lap-sized.

8. What is the meaning behind your blog name?
It's kind of ironic since I have zero time to get anything domestic done anymore.  Once upon a time...I got a lot of projects done.  I used to sew and bake and clean...college was a wonderful time.  Now I just work all the time and once I get home I sit down and don't get up.

So...now I have to tag someone else...I choose you: http://ferdistheword.blogspot.com/.

03 September 2010

#2, #38, #40, In which we take on Ms. Austen

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife”
I wish that I could tell you that I've spent so much time away from my blog because I was taking on Watership Down, but sadly I abandoned that project for more amusing reads like...The Hunger Games series (dazzling).

The only reading I accomplished that I can cross off my list is that I finished my annual reading of Pride and Prejudice, finished my third reading of Persuasion, and watched the BBC version of Emma.  Now, don't be alarmed, I have in fact read Emma, but it is not my favorite, and why torture myself?

Pride and Prejudice still hasn't gotten old for m even though I read it every year.  Elizabeth and Darcy are perfection.  With this book, and all of Austen's works, I just wish we could get a glimps at their life after marriage and I would love to get some of the book written from Darcy's point of view.  Alas, this was not Austen's plan.  Some people really don't get this book, or any of Austen's other works, and the language does take some getting used to.  It's helpful to have some knowledge about the English upper-classes so that you know a little bit about titles and Regency manners before diving right in.

Some people criticize Austen for being too domestic.  It's true, most her books are set in a small town with only a few neighbors, the main character normally gets one trip to a bigger city like London or Bath, and the biggest highlight is a ball.  That being said, I find that the conversation really drives the book.  My favorite thing is often what isn't said, the slight brush of a hand, or a look across a room.  It's almost Victorian, but I've always loved the pull between what you can do and what you want to do in Austen's world.

Persuasion is Austen's last novel and the more times I read it, the more I think that it's my favorite.  This novel is also not as famous as Auten's others because the main character is a little past her prime.  However, she's intelligent and extremely loyal.  She's also one of the more genuinely kind characters. 

Since it isn't a book anyone really mentions in school or makes a mini-series out of, here's a synopsis:

Boy meets girl, boy proposes to girl, girl rejects boy because she's persuaded by a family friend that he has no prospects (money or landed title), boy goes to sea to make his fortune, boy comes back 8 years later (loaded), boy might marry another and far younger girl (heartless),Lyme, head injury, lots of good poetry, Bath, evil money-grubbing cousin, amazing letter of declaration, and then boy and girl are married 8.5 years after the first proposal.

Basically, it all boils down to that that one amazing, handwritten letter.

Emma is not, and probably never will be, my favorite character.  She's rich, very conceited, and often a little clueless even though she thinks she's number one in the class.  Don't believe me?  The movie Clueless is based entirely on this book.  There are a lot of broken hearts in this one and most of them are because of Emma butting into things.  She frustrates me. 

The only shinning star about this book, is that it has one of the great male leads: Mr. Knightley. He's full of sense, very practical, 16 years older than Emma and treats her like his little sister...until he falls in love with her.  In the movie versions, Mr. Knightley is never portrayed so much older and I thank you for that movie makers.

So to sum up:

Darcy and Elizabeth=Perfection,

Nothing beats a really good letter,


Emma is stupid until Mr, Knightley knocks some sense into her...and sometimes you really wish that he, literally, would knock some sense into her.

Mulah, Mulah

Lately I've been thinking a lot about different ways we could be saving money.  Are we strapped for cash?   No.  However, I think that we could definitely be making the most of how we spend our money since I don't have a second job anymore.

Most of this mentality is because I've realized that we've reached an "ok" place.  We have the essentials and that's a great feeling, so I'd like to squirrel away as much as we can... or at least finish saving for the $4500 I need for braces.

The things we could work on:


We don't eat out as much as we used to, but we still primarily grab lunch out while we're at work.  Mostly this is because we switch off who gets to go home and let the dog out.  I wish we could write up a set schedule, but our workloads are always in flux and meetings sometimes come up with only a few hours notice.  Boo.  One option would be for us to keep things to make food at work so that we don't have to go out, and I'm going to start doing that.


This is mostly my problem...I love books...maybe too much.  If I want a book I normally just buy it.  That might seem wasteful, but for some reason library books will never get read before I have to return them.  It's a strange paradox.  I'm going to make a vow to start going to the library more and try.

Our 3 year anniversary was yesterday (big smiles) and Mr. S got us a nook(which I can get free ebooks for)...so I think it's safe to say he's tired of every surface in our house being covered with spanking good literature. The part of me that doesn't like clutter agrees and the other half is convinced that books are the best decorations there are...it's a win-lose thing, but he gets a new gadget, I get to save some money, and one day when computer parts take over our house I can bring up my book sacrifice.  Good plan!


Our pets--and by pets I mostly mean the dog--are Spoiled, with a capital "S."  Whenever I go to Petsmart, I always come home with some new toy or a specialty bone.  My puppy could care less, although he does like the $8 a bag yogurt chewy bones only available at Petsmart.  He loves his old smelly toys, but I have to throw them out every couple of months.  Lately he has really taken to liking tennis balls.  No need to buy any of those because my pseudo-mother-in-law (what else do you call your boy toy's mother when you've been together as long as we have?) is an avid tennis player.  What I can really cut out, is the trinkets.  I've already stopped with the accessories.  That's mostly because they don't make sweaters big enough for my boy...I'm thinking I'll have to get him a sweater from the little boys section this year for Christmas cards. 

I digress.  The long and short: huge, expensive, loveable dog who needs to learn some responsibility.  I'm going to make him get a job to pay for his chewy bone habit. I jest.

Any road, what do you do to save money when you can?  I'd love some tips.

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