I'd like to think that the things I don't like about myself are things that I can work on and improve because I always try to be optimistic, but when I think about things I have no control over that places a lot of blame on environment or other folks.
So what about something I could change but haven't been able to kick just yet?
I like to be in control too much and when I'm not? I stress out...a lot. I worry about almost everything and I hate that. When I was a little kids I was a nervous puker. I threw up over almost everything: the first day of school, field trips, tests, when Spice World came out, I mean, you name it.
I eventually grew out of just throwing but now I tear my hands up when I'm stressed out or nervous. It's so bad that I keep fake nails on most of the time so that I can't pick at my hands.\
I've never been able to figure out why a kid with no real cares in the world would stress out so much. Now it makes sense since I have bills and work and drama, but I guess I was a little kids that felt all alone in the world.
When I can't control something I get really uneasy. How do I fix this? The only solution might just be drinking margaritas on the beach...delightful!

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'