I love, love, love when our house is clutter free. It hasn't been completely organized since we moved in. I try and I try, but we have so much freaking crap! If I could offer one piece of advice to people combining households: narrow down what you're keeping and give things away before you move. You will spend 6 months trying to give away your college microwaves to good homes. And you will use up so much cabinet space with 2 George Foreman grills and the electric grill that your mother gave you. I guarantee.
I think I'm going to spend a lot of time organizing the new office we built out in the basement, find a way to organize S's computer cords, and put some things on craigslist. Such as: a bookshelf, a broken treadmill, a TV, and crap, crap, and more crap.
I've decided to get rid of my stereo. I haven't used it in a year and I only still have it for the record player. If anyone wants to gift me a vintage-looking, portable record player that would be great. :D S would just like me to have everything on an mp3, but I like to kick it old-school every now and again. Plus, they make record players that will convert to mp3. Hello, $0.05 vinyl albums converted to my iPod!
Maybe if I'm feeling super ambitious I'll get out my fall decor and spruce up the joint! Still looking for rugs and I also still need to put up blinds...c'est la vie. I'm not to stressed about that cause I know the dog would find someway to ruin the rug, and the cats would pull down the blinds. Some how, some way I'd come home to a plundered livingroom.
If I'm really feeling motivated, I'll hire a maid. A maid might just be my Christmas present to myself. I don't want to give up anymore weekends to cleaning. There are 100,000 more things I would rather be doing.
Can you tell that Autumn is my favorite season? Can you also tell that my energy level has come back up from all the working out and the better eating?

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'