When it comes right down to it, I am just a bookish, country gal who followed her main squeeze and best friend to the "big city." Our first year together has been a whirlwind of relationship discoveries. Add to those discoveries a lot of home improvement projects and several attempts at cleaning schedules--somehow we always fail at those--and what do you get?
A whole lot more love than we started out with. Love is what gets us through the long work weeks. What makes all the work worth it, in the end, is that we get to start our own little bit of a family: together. I wouldn't trade that for the world.
We've added two cats: Oliver and Penelope, and one Newfoundland: Bramston, to our Barnyard. They're the sassiest, smartest, and most spastic critters with four legs, but we love them. With all their messes, vet appointments, training, and different personalities they're great practice for kiddies. I'm still under the illusion that it's possible to have pets and kids and still have a nice home. Right now our house is covered in a little bit more drool and cat hair than I would like, but it could be worse.
Ms. Domestique, the blog, adapts with me and we definitely live together in, what can only be termed, the Hectic Epoch. Together we grab meals and updates between living, not sleeping enough, and really not keeping in touch enough. But, we're working on it. Cross our hearts!
-Much Love!