30 April 2011

That's The Life

Oliver wishes you a very lazy Saturday.

Personally, I plan to do absolutely nothing and enjoy every minute of it!  It's one of those weeks where I really don't need any projects to stress over and I want to just be present in the moment and see where it all takes me.

Much love,

27 April 2011

Second Order of Busniess:

I kicked Disqus comments to the curb. I was having a lot of trouble with people being unable to post comments on my page.  Lame! 

I at least figured out how to get blogger comments embedded in the page so that it looks semi-decent.

Happy commenting!

26 April 2011

First Order of Business

I'm so excited to share a new program with you, that I've been asked to participate in and then blog about the experience!

It's a 28 Day "Detox" challenge that's being guided by Paige at Healthy Spirit Wellness.  I know Paige through a co-worker and all-around-lovely person, Emily, who owns Healthy Spirit Wellness and writes a wonderful, all natural food blog called Kisses for Breakfast.

Admittedly, I was instantly on my guard when I read the word "detox."  The trendy idea of drinking liquids and running to the loo every 10 seconds is not appealing to me, although I'm sure my bladder would enjoy the company.  I'm also very skeptical of anything that claims to be a quick-fix or cure-all.  I generally want to work with my filtering organs, not freak them out.  However, I know these people and they are sensible folks and I was assured it wasn't going to be like that.

So, what is it going to be like?

In 28 days you'll learn:

  • How most of us are living in some kind of toxic environment, whether the toxins come from food, environment, relationships, work...and how you can discover yours.
I feel like this part of the class is going to be the most helpful for me.  I work in a fairly high-stress position--at least a position that can get me frustrated quite frequently and which keeps me at a desk most of the day--and I have a few relationships that I could cope better with since, as much as I would love to cut them out of my life, they're as close as kin can get.
  • How to break away from those heavy winter foods and feel lighter and cleaner for the spring.
Looking forward to this part!  I fall prey to seasonal eating, so I'm always craving fruits and veggies come spring time.
  • How to discover which foods work best for your body so you can feel better than ever this summer.
Each week is going to focus on a different type of food, (i.e. sugar, gluten) and I'm eager to see how my body reacts to giving up or limiting some things that I haven't tried before.
  • How to really branch out with your cooking, but in a way that's still convenient to your lifestyle.
I'm always looking for recipes!  I'm a fatty, but I'm not a foodie.  I really don't like to cook at all, so anything that helps me learn to enjoy time in the kitchen is very valuable!  I'm also so nervous to mess up new recipes that I rarely try anything new without watching someone else make it first. 
  • How to break free of cravings for sugar, caffeine, carbs, and more...and feel better because of it!
This is something I've tried to combat my whole life!  Sugar and, often by extension, carbs, are my arch-nemesis: the Lex Luthor to my Superman, the Magneto to my Professor X!  I have a feeling, from what I've observed, that Paige is full of great tips to help with this, so I'm excited for what I can learn.
  • How to take what you've learned and apply it to your life after the detox period for lasting energy and happiness.

    You'll receive:

    • A weekly packet of recipes and food resources to support you through each phase of the cleanse.
    • Weekly group conference calls throughout the entire detox program, where Paige Lysaght, CHC will guide you through the next phase of the challenge and offer opportunities for questions and discussion.
    • A workbook for each group call, complete with worksheets and journaling opportunities that will help you to really dig deep and determine what's holding you back from being your healthiest, happiest self.
    • Access to an exclusive message board for program participants where you can discuss ideas, recipes, challenges, and successes throughout the program and beyond.
    • An official challenge t-shirt (since you'll certainly earn post-challenge bragging rights). (What wouldn't I do for a free t-shirt?  Nothing!)

    It sounds easy enough!  It doesn't include unrealistic food expectations or jungle juice and there is going to be a community of people to share experiences with and that makes me a lot less nervous.

    Paige has also generously offered 50% off the enrollment fee if you drop my name (real or blog pseudonym) in the comments section of the Detox Sign-up page.  No pressure, but the option is there if you're interested and I would be stoked to have another friend participating.

    Either way, I'll definitely share the good recipes that I find and let you know how things are going: the good, the bad, and the ugly.


    22 April 2011


    I'm so ready for some better weather!  Taking Caitlin's suggestion, I've been keeping a running favorites list on Etsy of cute summer dresses and then forgetting to post them.  Sorry! 

    Don't you just love the colors?

    I threw some work attire in there too, just for good measure.  I'm seeing a lot of Twiggy, Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor in my choices.

    Last week I think I wore a dress twice to work.  That's probably because I need to do some major laundry.

    Any idea what I'll be doing this weekend?

    Happy washing and spring cleaning!

    21 April 2011

    June Afternoons

    I know that I've introduced you all to Beth at ishouldbefoldinglaundry.com before, but today she deserves a little special mention because she is combining my three favorite things: babies, Etsy, and Anthropologie.  I feel like we are shopping compatriots.

    Her new Etsy shop, June Afternoons, will be donating all proceeds to James and Jake's March of Dimes Team until May 31st.  You can also donate directly to March of Dimes

    Please go check this out and possibly order something, if it strikes your fancy (and donate to life-saving research that will save babies).  Also, check out Beth's blog (link at the top) if you're interested in more of the backstory of James and Jake.  As their mother, she puts things much more eloquently/beautifully/straightforward then I ever could and I feel like it would be an absolute disgrace if I even tried to summize.

    For my part, I ordered this for my office:

    Oh Pretty-pretty!  I cannot wait for it to arrive so that I can put it in a delightful picture frame!  I'm also debating going back and ordering the "Love" spelled out with hands picture...mayhaps.  Or since my birthday is coming up, maybe a fabulous friend will get it for me?  You guys know I love gifts that also give to great causes!

    The Anthropologie portion (in the form of a gift card) is a little bribe for people to spread the word by posting the advertisement for June Afternoons.  The ad is all the way at the bottom of my page.  I'm sorry I don't have things laidout very well  for advertisements.  Since it's probably not going to get much attention down there, I felt like I needed to write a post about it.  So that post is now sign, sealed delivered.

    Much love,
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