Her new Etsy shop, June Afternoons, will be donating all proceeds to James and Jake's March of Dimes Team until May 31st. You can also donate directly to March of Dimes.
Please go check this out and possibly order something, if it strikes your fancy (and donate to life-saving research that will save babies). Also, check out Beth's blog (link at the top) if you're interested in more of the backstory of James and Jake. As their mother, she puts things much more eloquently/beautifully/straightforward then I ever could and I feel like it would be an absolute disgrace if I even tried to summize.
For my part, I ordered this for my office:
Oh Pretty-pretty! I cannot wait for it to arrive so that I can put it in a delightful picture frame! I'm also debating going back and ordering the "Love" spelled out with hands picture...mayhaps. Or since my birthday is coming up, maybe a fabulous friend will get it for me? You guys know I love gifts that also give to great causes!
The Anthropologie portion (in the form of a gift card) is a little bribe for people to spread the word by posting the advertisement for June Afternoons. The ad is all the way at the bottom of my page. I'm sorry I don't have things laidout very well for advertisements. Since it's probably not going to get much attention down there, I felt like I needed to write a post about it. So that post is now sign, sealed delivered.
Much love,

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'