It turns out that she had severe depression issues I didn't know about and she had stopped medicating. I fully believe that some people can get over the blues and don't need medicine to do so, but then there are other folks that should never get off the pills. She should never be off the pills.
Her behavior got really aggressive towards me and she started to harass me via internet and text, mostly over the dumbest stuff like a bathroom rug. I stopped talking to her because confrontation would only make things worse. I started working a lot more and very late at night so that I could sneak into the apartment once she was asleep. I'd skip class when she went to class so that I could get things done in the apartment. My grades suffered.
She started to talk about me to our mutual friends, and since I refused to say things about her they believed her side of things. There were a few people who I learned were really my friends since they came to me because what she was saying just "didn't sound like Amanda." I got very scared and would panic about being in my apartment and once I filled my mother in on the situation she told me to move in with S.
So I left all my stuff and furniture except my school stuff and my dirty clothes hamper and slept on S's floor for 2 months so that I could do my finals. I still paid half the bills and rent even though I wasn't living there.
It was a huge mess. I still haven't said a word to her or seen her since I left. Luckily she didn't take any of my things or damage anything, but at the time I was more concerned for me. There are still some people I haven't talked to since then and that's ok because they believed her and I clearly didn't need them.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'