1. If you could have any superpower, what would you have? Why?
I've always been a fan of the rapid ability to heal. You live forever, never get sick, can fall off of buildings or take bullets to the head...and even get adamantium (sp?) put on your bones and survive it...
2. Who is your style icon?
My grandmother. I have some pictures of her from the 30's/40's and she was so stylish. She's also one of the most graceful and elegant people I've ever known. My fondest memories involve going to her house for holidays and I hope that I can make the holidays as special when my time comes around.
3. What is your favorite quote?
I live for words! If I had to pick, it would be the opening to Pride and Prejudice. It just gets me so excited for what's about to follow.
4. What is the best compliment you've ever received?
My favorite is when people tell my I'm going to be a great mom one day. I sure hope so!
5. What playlist/cd is in your CD player/iPod right now?
The most recent thing I've listened to on my ipod was probably Michael Jackson. I like to have upbeat music while I'm at work.
6. Are you a night owl or a morning person?
Morning person. I feel like I get so much more done before everyone else I know gets up. Since I live in a crowded area, it's also a great way to beat the crowds.
7. Do you prefer dogs or cats?
I have to go with cats. I love my puppy, but my cats have never eaten my shoes, or my windowsills, they can be left alone if I need to be gone for a weekend, and they're lap-sized.
8. What is the meaning behind your blog name?
It's kind of ironic since I have zero time to get anything domestic done anymore. Once upon a time...I got a lot of projects done. I used to sew and bake and clean...college was a wonderful time. Now I just work all the time and once I get home I sit down and don't get up.
So...now I have to tag someone else...I choose you: http://ferdistheword.blogspot.com/.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'