S and I start the second round of Attack the Fat at our gym on Monday. I"m dreading it! We got a very hard trainer, whom I don't like. Whenever I see her with clients they always look like they're in the worst pain of their lives...like child birth or something. How am I supposed to want to work out if it isn't even fun? Not to mention she looks thru people when she talks with them and calls them sweetie or honey so that she doesn't have to remember their names (sorry, rant. I just hate that!).
To make things worse, the scale is not going to say good things. We've had two months off, just two, and you'd think I could maintain that. I thought I'd gained maybe 5 pounds because my smaller clothes still fit...well when I weighed this week to see what I was getting myself into...the scale said I had gained everything back.
I think the scale is a little liar pants and I will go to my grave saying my sodium intake is causing me to hold onto water.
So, tomorrow I can either eat my "last meal" or I can not eat at all and drink 3 gallons of water. Either way, my fitness test is not going to be pretty come Monday.
Maybe I'll think of it as carb-ing up. It is a competition with prizes for the team that wins. S has gotten the biggest individual loser award before (makes me want to hate him, if I wasn't so dang proud of him), so maybe we'll have a shot at winning one.
Goodbye carbs, diet soda, and caffeine. I'll miss you!

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'