Everyone who lives in an apartment or a house knows that there is always something that needs to be done. I have been in my new apartment for almost a month and I am still not completely settled in. There is so much to do and only me to do it... Maybe I need a tall, dark, and handsome roomie, anyone come to mind? ::wink:: ::wink::
The first weapon in my artillery is organization. Thus, a to-do list:
- Hang things up! This may sound like a walk in the park, but I need to hang up: a huge picture that I need to get special hardware for, three wall cubes (huge ordeal with a lot of drilling, but I think I'm going to rig something), a full length mirror, and 2 pictures of my grandmother that have to match up in height and be centered on two different walls.
- Marilyn Monroe art: cut it, frame it, and hang it up in my office space.
- Go through my posters, condense to one poster holder.
- Call management about why no one has been out to re-caulk my tub.
- Organize entry-way closet and move anything I can out of it and into my bedroom closet. Right now my recycling bin is on top of: my sewing trunk, my sewing machine, an empty box that my dishes came in (I'm saving it for my next move), a cooler, and my wrapping paper organizer. I can't hang any coats in my coat closet and my Holiday stuff is everywhere.
- Go through my sewing trunk. It is full of great stuff but it needs a good clean out and organize.
- Try to see if Oliver can use the adult litterbox I originally got him. It has a hood so it will keep litter off my bathroom floor and it is currently taking up half of my linen closet... So as soon as he is big enough to use it, he will. I love him and all, but my toothbrush fell in his litterbox this morning which would not have happened if his box had a cover. Thankfully I had a back up. Thank you M.J. for all your care packages complete with toothbrushes!
- Go through my fish tank stuff and decide if I want to keep it, and if I don't keep it, decide what things I want to hold on to in order to supplement Steven's fish tank. I mean how many 10 gallon tanks does one couple need? Next time I get fish I will want to upgrade the size of my tank anyway.
- Go through my office supplies. I have a lot of binders that I feel can go to good will. I need to go through my office space shelf as well. There are a lot of knick knacks that I know I'll be getting rid of come May when I move. Better to purge now. Anybody want my Pink (Victoria's Secret) Dogs?
- Find someone to buy my white cabinet or just give it to goodwill.
- Go through my bathroom stuff and purge products. Find what I can use up, get rid of what I never use.
- Organize under the kitchen sink.
- Decide if I want to sell my stereo. Sell it if I want to.
- Decide what to do with the desk hutch that is holding the stereo
- Go through my Vinyl collection and keep the tuneage I want and frame it.
- Actually go to the goodwill instead of driving around with all the stuff I'm giving away in the back of my car. This may sound silly but it is what I've been doing since I moved. I never seem to stop, so I'm going to have to make one dramatic and painful trip.
- Give my clothes another once over and give stuff to goodwill.
- Mail Caitlin and James' wedding gift after I get the last finishing touch, and a box to put it in. ;)
- Decide if I need any of my 2 dry-erase boards. Hang what I decide to keep.
- Finally hook up my printer and set up my desk.
- Organize my room closet a second time.
- Fix the rug under my bed. This will involve another person. Without another person I have to take my mattress and the plywood on the frame off, and then lift my bed, with the headboard still attached, just to straighten my rug...
- Go through my jewelry box.
- Find a reed diffuser for my room. My apartment has generic hotel smell.
- And last, bring peace to the world.
4 Remarks:
i think that last one might need to be moved up a few places to, oh, say the top, on everyone's to do list. imagine if world peace was at the top of the to do lists of every single person in the world, what might happen.
Very true my friend. Very true.
I kind of threw it in there as a "and while I'm completing this huge list, why not fix the world too" kind of sentiment.
But you are very right. We should all work on that.
I have my to do list sitting right here written on pretty pink kitten paper. Lots of the same type of items "Hang pictures, organize shoes, frame marriage license, organize craft supply boxes, etc." And you would think having a hubby would make the to-do list smaller.... lol! Though don't get me wrong, he does LOTS, but he also makes messes too.
Is it bad that I miss Steve's messes? I carry a stain pen in my purse just for him. Makes me think of him every time I see it sitting at the bottom of my purse.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'