Imagine this room, then imagine something like it with the messy fairy on steroids. That is what I went over to this morning when I went to put water in Steven's fish tank. This mess...in...Steven's room...? Something is amiss. The room that I so meticulously cleaned before I left, the room that I brag about constantly when talking about Steven and just how proud I am of him and how clean he is, was a complete ship wreck. Now... you may be asking yourself how a room that is always so clean got so messy. Well, I'll tell you! Apparently a friend of Steven's roommates needed a place to stay because his lease expired. So they put him in Steven's room! Without Steven's permission. And what does said person do? Makes it a complete mess! You cannot walk on carpet because there is no carpet it is all covered. The bathroom was covered in his hair from a recent haircut, all over the floor! The bathroom that I also cleaned!
So this morning I go to take care of some things, and all the fish but one had died without me getting a phonecall. To my knowledge they were fine with the feeders I had given them. If I had known they were dying I would have done water changes or something. But I go over there to dead fish and a naked hairy boy asleep on the crap on the floor.
I had to get out of there before I either snapped or started cleaning.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'