I got into Sex And The City very late in life. I watched my first episode my freshmen year of college for a City in Literature course, and I have been hooked ever since! I was a little doubtful about a movie, but I went out and saw it anyway. I was not disappointed. I used to relate so much to Carrie, but I realized today that I have completely become a Charlotte. That might not mean anything to anyone, but to me it means a lot. What I'm about to say contains a spoiler, so skim if you want....but BABY! Charlotte finally gets to experience motherhood. We all know that she adopted at the end of season 6, but in the movie she is pregnant after years of fertility problems. And since I'm in the same boat always wanted kids but possibly not being able to have them... it made me so happy for her! And there is one fabulous scene where she tells off Mr. Big... fabulous, just fabulous. And Charlotte actually gets angry in this movie! You know you're in the wrong when Charlotte York gets mad at you. Laughs. And her apartment... oh my, I envy it.
Anyways, great movie! Fabulous fashion! Really great wrap up to things. I want to see it again!
5 Remarks:
agh! I'm so excited! I want to see that movie soooooooo sooooooo bad! I think I'm going to try and drag one of my friends tomorrow to go see it!
Do it! It is so worth it if you're a big fan of the series. And it's good even if you're not. I want to see it again! Laughs.
Why would you possibly not have children?
At 17 I was diagnosed with Poly- Cystic Ovarian Syndrome which stopped my periods, and my ovulation. So basically I'm reproductively challenged. If I get down to a healthy body weight (PCOS makes you gain tons of weight, and they aren't sure if gaining the weight is what causes the hormone levels to go crazy or if it's the hormones that make you gain weight) then my body will most likely be normal again, and ovulation will come back on it's own. I've lost 50 pounds towards that goal and I've got about 10-20 more to go. The only therapy for PCOS is oral contraception so that I can have periods and it greatly reduces my chances of getting uterine cancer. But since I'm not even trying to get pregnant right now my hormone levels haven't been re-evaluated (PCOS causes more testosterone then estrogen to be produced, eggs aren't released, periods don't come) I really don't know where I'm at. When Steven and I decide to start a family then I'll find out. I could get pregnant right away, or I might need some help i.e. invetro, shots, crazy hormone pills that make me have 20 kids etc. And if nothing works then we'll call up the adoption agency. Either way I'm determined to be a parent. If they're not biologically mine, I'm ok with that.
I have endometriosis which means my hormones are the opposite of yours where I have too much estrogen. It causes me to have terrible periods because I not only bleed from my uterus but I bleed internally due to endometrial tissue located outside of my uterus on other my pelvic organs. Endometriosis is the most common cause of infertility but weird enough plenty of women with it have children no problem. So it's also a hit or miss type of thing. Just saying, I relate on some level. I hope it turns out you're one of those that gets pregnant no problem or at least with little medical help.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'