I got new sunblock a few weeks ago. Coppertone, oil free, 45 spf. For everyday wear. I have Neutrogena 75 SPF when I need my sunblock to take a lot of wear and tear. I'm actually very pleased with the Coppertone. It was a little bit expensive, but I think all sunblock is expensive. I've often thought the government should sponsor a sunblock program that hands out free sunblock at the beach in an effort to stop skin cancer: but that's just me.
The Coppertone is actually oil-free, which is very important to me because I wear sunblock when I'm active so I don't like to slip around and I hate the feeling of sunblock on my face! I can't even tell that I have on sunblock and I put it on my face, chest, arms, and ears. It is also fragrance free...it does smell a little like sunblock but it is very faint, so no one is going to know that I have it on. I like that. I used to have a sunblock by Ocean Potion that smelled like dreamsicle. So yummy, but people always asked me what I had on...and I had to be like...sunblock....
"We're in the mall!"
It also claims not to clog pores. We will see. I have sensitive skin so even if it says it won't clog my pores it might just do it anyway. Over all, I like it, I just wish it came in a higher SPF, anything under 50 is taking my skin into my hands.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'