Before Steven left I knew that keeping in touch was going to be difficult. I've said it before that we are HORRIBLE on the phone. Horrible is probably putting it lightly... very lightly. Steven is a very factual, logical person. He only uses the phone to relay information. I on the other hand could sit on the phone perfectly silent or just stay on the phone as I'm shopping. Steven hates to phone shop because I "oh" and "ah" about everything and I'm pretty sure I don't make much sense. I also always ask for his opinion about things he cannot even see. When I phone shop I'm confusing him with Sony. Oops.
He has been gone for 14 days. During those 14 days I have been the one calling even though he promised to call me every day. For 3 days I did not even talk to him. All the times we have been on the phone we've kind of just sat there, or he has been super tired from work, or I don't have anything to talk about because my life is a bore at present. I'm getting frustrated. He got a webcam so that we could do video chats. We haven't used it. He is never on-line.
Basically I just miss my boyfriend. I miss us. I miss how we work. I miss us both being indecisive and it taking 20 minutes to pick a place to eat. Oh sweet heaven do I miss his smell! And his laugh, and his smile, and how much he makes me laugh...and I miss his stupid friends calling at the most intimate moments. I miss those intimate moments. I would even go so far as to say I miss his snoring: at least his breathing. It's too quiet to sleep now. I miss tackling him when he was trying to get work done. I miss late night grocery shopping. Late night cereal time. Him taking care of me when I'm sick or bringing me things at work when I forgot them. I miss appliance shopping. I miss planning our future together. I miss our late night conversations. Oh I miss the kisses. I miss waking him up every morning with those kisses. I miss his don't wake me up noise. I miss movies with him. I miss making him breakfast. I miss doing his laundry. I miss his answers. I miss his teasing. I really just miss him. Everything is so boring without him.
So much of what we are is unsaid. Or maybe we have so much to say that we can't say it on the phone. But I still need that communication just to know that he's thinking about me. Cause I think about him a lot, obviously.
And the little Indian baby that lives across the hall totally cries like the baby in the Jungle Book. And that has nothing to do with him being Indian, I promise. His whole family is super cute the way they dote on him. (Random tangent...)
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'