My BFF cracks me up. We were musing about weddings, as we are often known to do, and we got talking about wedding organizational planners when she says to me:
"we can get them and hide them under our beds like porn!"
Sad times when you have to hide your extreme desire to tie the knot. Well, it isn't really a secret, just freaks out the beaus.
We hold the opinion that they should get over it.
We hold the opinion that they should get over it.
2 Remarks:
HAHA! So true! Though mine was more on board with the marriage idea than me, but when I ordered him a book on marriage (it was advice on how to have a good marriage, you know, to make sure we're on the same page) his family freaked out. Hmm... and people wonder why they weren't invited to the wedding :-/
Anyway... love the post! I got a good laugh out of it :-)
haha, pretty funny. except I never really tried to hide it. I pretty much just put it all out there and he happened to jump on! hehe.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'