Of Birkenstocks!
I've always wanted some, ever since I was a pre-teen and dreamed of living in the 60's. Now I'm in my early 20's and still dreaming of living in the 60's, but I know more Lennon and Dylan tunes now.
For months Steven has been keeping this big birthday surprise. Apparently, ever since he got a pair of stocks in March when we were in Colonial Williamsburg.
He has been giving me the vaguest hints every day this week. So there was no way I was going to guess Birki's. I was hoping for a rock to be quite honest. Since he's so secretive about shoes, I have a feeling that I'm not going to see a proposal coming. That's how he wants it, and I hate surprises.
Either way he always ends up fulfilling a dream of mine, even if it has to do with footwear.
That's why he's so perfect for me.
1 Remarks:
I love comfy foot wear, particularly sandals. I've heard good things about Birkenstocks. That's so awesome he got you something you desired while being useful, so you'll think of him everytime you wear your precious Birks :-)
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'