I have been craving sushi lately, well really any type of ethnic food. I've mostly been craving Sony's food because she is fierce in the kitchen. She could throw down with the big guns like Paula, Alton, and Martha. And I would love to see her take a folding chair to Rachel Ray's face...but who wouldn't.
I woke up this morning and I was determined to make sushi.
I had seen a sushi kit at TJ MAXX for $7. Really cute, it came with some little bowls and a book and some chopsticks as well as the bamboo mat you use to roll sushi. Steven and I get there, look around...and it wasn't there anymore. So we go to Target, and I got a really dumb look from the sales associate who directed me to placemats....um.... no.
We finally had the brainwave to head over to World Oasis/Eats, a natural and international foods market on main street in Blacksburg. I had never been. Steven's roommate works there and it always sounded a little strange to me. It's a food market that also houses a bike shop. I question correlation between these two things, but to each their own. Very strange. If I ever need to buy Thai cuisine and get a new bike chain I know where to go. BUT they had my bamboo mat, seaweed, rice, rice vinegar and a lot of stuff I want to go back and get! A lot of tofu and really experimental foods as well as a lot of organic stuff and health products. They also had fabulous sushi plate sets in blue and green for $15, not bad for 2 plates, 2 sets of chopsticks, 2 bowls, and 2 of those little log looking things that I haven't quite figured out the use of. Oh! And blueberry flavored Pocky...more types of Pocky then I have ever seen. I'm excited to go exploring there again!
Kroger supplied the avocado, cucumber, carrots, sugar, and crab meat. That's for Steven, so it looks like some of the sushi will turn out to be California rolls. I used to love those before I went vegetarian.
Did I mention that I'm making sushi for the first time for the 4 people that live in this apartment... One person who has never had sushi... it should prove very interesting. And I'm sure that I'm going to be on speakerphone with Sony throughout most of the experience.
1 Remarks:
aw, you really think i could throw down with paula and alton? that's the sweetest thing ever! i would love to go one on one with rachel in the cage though, i got her beat, no problem. laughs.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'