I've been having a lot of nightmares lately about getting horrible sunburns. I guess it's time to start putting on the sunblock every time I go outside. It's sad that is what I have to do or I'll burn up in a few minutes. I burn in the car, I burn on cloudy days, I burn with SPF 50 on applied every time I get out of the water and every hour I'm out. Someone explain to me why genetics cursed me with pale?
Dear Merciful guardians of DNA.
Please give my future children Steven's ability to tan. Handed down from his fabulous Mexican grandmother as well as my parents who tan, (not sure how that skipped me,somehow I was cursed with the inability to go out in the summer without burning in 10-20 minutes). And while you're at that don't forget his eyelashes, height, cheeks, and hair color.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'