Sometimes I get to thinking about how cool the human body is and how well it works most of the time. I've been feeling really bad today. Sore throat...that has white dots on it...eew...and if I could have found the thermometer it most likely would have told me I had a fever. So after work I headed over to Target to get some Nyquil; I had to help my body out a little. But on the way out I was looking at the food they keep at the counter. So I quickly swiped some up without thinking. On my drive home I realized that the cashews I got were a source of protein and the fruit snacks I got were full of Vitamin C. Throw in the carb filled mac and cheese I got for dinner and you've got a little cocktail of immune booster. Little things that make me think, was I just a fool for product placement or were my cravings based on what my body needed. Maybe a little bit of both. But since I could have chosen a chocolate bar I'd like to think my body was thinking a little. And hopefully after a lot of sleep tonight I'll be right as rain.
1 Remarks:
I'm terrible. For me, a chocolate bar always wins out!
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'