And I finally figured out how to do the little hair bump. Well I knew how to do a very high maintenance version of it, but now I know the everyday version. I think it's because I finally have hair that isn't over-processed and I LOVE it. My hair actually moves with me, go figure. Hair dye is the devil. Don't be tempted.
I also googled "hair poof." I would. It turns out it works better the less hair you try to poof. I like it.
In other news: I have my windows open. The weather is so freaking beautiful and cool I had to let the outside in. My apartment needs some air.
Bring on the fall!
2 Remarks:
I love the poof! I wear my hair like that all the time!
Its very cute. My hair used to do a weird thing where it would split to each side when I twisted it. I found if I use less hair it works better.
I don't like to use product so I didn't want to spray it in place.
Now I wear it like that all the time when I'm off from work and lounging around.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'