I really hope a stomach bug isn't going around. I have no desire to be ill, but every time I eat something I feel the very strong urge to throw up. I hate throwing up above all things and I can keep it in unless it is virally induced. Really , I've developed it as an art form.
I feel like I want to throw up when I don't eat, but the urge is way less so I have had no appetite. All I've eaten in the past day and a half (plus) has been 2 breakfast bars and 2 things of fast food fries. The breakfast bars upset my tummy, but ironically the fries do not. Maybe that is because potatoes have always been my sick food of choice.
The tummy issues need to go away because Steven is coming back today! He wasn't supposed to come back until Sunday but we had a...well I dunno what to call it. I wouldn't exactly call it a fight, but some issues came up and as always my temper ran away with me. I always get so fixated when I'm mad and I don't get hostile when I'm mad I just cry: a lot. Always have. And I tend not to fight fair (ok I can be a down right shit), although I have learned I shouldn't say anything good or bad until I have calmed down. It took almost losing my best friend since the second grade to learn that. You live, you learn, right?
Anyroad, he is coming back and that is all I care about right now. I've just wanted him home for months. It is all I've thought about every second of every day and now he's coming home. I'm so excited about it I was up at 6:45 am. Who wakes up that early just because? A girl who has seriously missed her best friend and love. And a girl who needs to clean her apartment, laughs.
He shouldn't get back until the late afternoon so I've got loads of time to kill. I think that I'll go out and get more french fries (gross I know, but they satiate me) and then I want to go get Amy some baby clothes at the good will. You may say... goodwill? But babies grow so quickly some of those clothes have only been worn twice or never. Ames doesn't have hardly anything for her baby yet and I'm so excited to meet "Peanut" that's what we've nicknamed them since Amy doesn't want to know the gender.
And can I rant for a second? I think blue is a completely acceptable color for both genders. Blue and pink weren't even established as set gender colors until the 1940's. Until that time pinks and red were actually considered masculine. I learned that in my history of costume class this summer. It made me a little mad because I have always loved blue and gotten crap for it. 3 years old: "What color do you want to paint your new room, Amanda?" "BLUE!" So... if some of the things I get for the baby happen to be blue I'm going to pull a Hermione and tell the facts about "gender colors." Don't get me started on how boys wore dresses either...and from a practical standpoint it makes sense. Onesies are a complete pain to button over diapers and then put pants over. Dresses are simple. Anyways, rant finished...
Amanda trivia: Yellow is my absolute favorite baby color.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'