It is obvious by my recent facebook statuses that I am desperate for some new friends in town. For a while I went down a path that led me to...well...stupid. People incapable of being serious, people I hang out with that I don't really know much about, and when I finally learned things about them I didn't really like what I saw. So I'm on a mission, an epic quest, if you will, to find new friends that aren't fake friends or at least friends that can have deep conversation, kind of like my English friends. I really heart them for their brains...did that make me sound like a zombie?
My policy of life has always been to surround myself with brilliant people because I learn from other's opinions. I learn most from other people and the stimulation they bring. If I don't have that I dry up mentally. Since my whole life until now has been built around my brain, I just can't let that happen.
I've spent this whole summer trying to get back some of my zeal for school and I'm so terrified of this next school year. It could make or break me. I'm hoping my classic stubborn streak raises its fabulous head. I'm not a Taurus for nothing, babe.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'