I was able to break out my sweatshirt for the first time this year. I've had some good times in this sweatshirt. Every study session, every solo illness, every cold fall day I've been wrapped in its warmth. After all, what is the college experience without your favorite logo-wear?
Tonight I had a full night of homework. Ew. That's the life I chose, so I need to stick it out. 78 pages of Robinson Crusoe, a reading journal for what I read, introduction to my Children's Lit book, and I started on 45 pages of reading for Technical Editing. I so should have gone into Professional Writing (kicking myself HARD for being so dumb and academic in my "youth") but I would be darn good at being an editor once I beef up on my grammar. I think editing is what I want to do when it is all said and done and I've paid 40,000 for a piece of paper that doesn't even come framed.
Steven and I went to dinner at this Mexican place we frequent quite often. It wasn't as great as I remembered. I also had a serious craving for ice cream. So I blatantly ate it without the aid of dairy pills. I'm paying for it now twice with Mexican and with dairy. After dinner, Steven came over and we did homework. It was oddly...amazing! We even curled up in bed, each with an assignment and the reading light on. It made me smile.
I've got loads to do this weekend. Steven is going out of town, so I think that will give me a great opportunity to get ahead in some of my reading... I mean my English Novel class... is seriously going to kill me. The History of Tom Jones alone is 896 pages! That's just one of 8 books and about 20 pages worth of papers in that particular class.
This is Amanda freaking out.
So if my blogging is not as prolific in the next few months, I beg your forgiveness in advance because I'm just trying to keep my head above the intellectual waters.
2 Remarks:
How unbelieveably cute is your hair in that photo?!
Haha! Thanks! I didn't do anything to it except make it look like a hot mess all day. Laughs.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'