So sorry I disappeared for a few days! Steven got back in to town early. Long story short he came home early and that may or may not have had to do with a little misunderstanding and a slight temper tantrum on my end. Ok, long story: I missed him like I would miss air if I stopped breathing, he wasn't going to come home until the day before school started, and I wanted to have some nice relaxing time with him before my life goes to hell when I start school again and I basically just blew up with rage at some stuff. Either way he got back on Friday. Steven also got his first tattoo and I originally was not thrilled about it, but it is growing on me.
Our weekend was off to a rough start but I'm sort of glad for it. We got out some issues and that was great. I have missed him. Him being gone was like a giant piece of myself was gone and I just couldn't find it. It was like trying to find a missing item and looking everywhere you thought you'd placed it, going to all the old familiar places and realizing it isn't anywhere.
I missed all of him, every single bit. Being away from him for a little bit, even though we're in the same town again, is torture! Right now: I miss him and he was just here. I miss having him sleep in the same room with me the most. That's something I got very used to for the brief period I stayed with him last school year due to problems in my apartment. I got used to hearing him doze off and then seeing him when I woke up. This weekend he stayed with me at my apartment. We slept holding hands and I couldn't stop hugging him. I think I could have smothered him with all my affection. Every time I woke up I'd mumble: "I could do this forever" and "I love you." Both are truths.
On the more hilarious side: I also mumbled to him once that "We never had lawn flamingos" and also tried to offer him our latest harvest candle scents at Pier 1. Oh my... but he took it all in stride saying: "Pink? No way, we can spray paint them white though." This is why I love him.
Fast Breaking News: Amanda has her last first day of school tomorrow. First class: Renaissance Lit (totally already thinking of dropping for Chaucer) at 9:30 am.
1 Remarks:
HAhahaha! Clearly when he takes your night time mumblings with humor you two are meant for each other ;-)
And so what if your emotions turned into a bit of a tantrum. At least you made your wants directly known and were honest with yourself and Steven. That's more mature than most women in a relastionship. Gotta give yourself props for that!
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'