Saturday Steven, his mother (M.J.), and I went shopping. Basically, I went to see Steven just so I could mercilessly torture him... ;) He hates shopping, but he was a trooper! We started off the day at Ikea, my favorite place for fabulous modern furniture. I have really needed a dresser so I picked one up:

I still need to put it together after I take it piece by piece out of my car...
I got some lamps and an awesome deal on compact flourescents, 3 packs of "60W" for $1.99. This is why I love Ikea.
After Ikea we went to the Ralph Lauren Outlet and I got an oxford shirt for $24! That's pretty unheard of. I love Ralph Lauren but I normally cannot afford his clothes. I'm gradually picking things up when they are ridiculously on sale. So far I have this new shirt and a skirt I got for $15 last summer.
Steven and I went to the movies Saturday night after getting some slushies at 7/11. We went to go see Wall. E. I HIGHLY recommend that everyone go see it! Pixar has outdone themselves again! So cute, romantic, and environmentally aware. Steven and I both love kids movies! This is probably because we're both still kids at heart. To be honest, I love that about us.
This morning we were going to go play Putt-putt but the place was closed... bummer! We will have to go next time I'm in town, whenever that is. Since there was no putt-putt, we got lunch at a cute little pizza place. We got the white pizza, our favorite.
This weekend was so much fun! I really miss Steven. I miss how goofy he is and how goofy I am when I'm with him. I also love how much crap we give each other. I know, it's a weird thing to love about a relationship. He gave me crap when he found out I refer to him as Oliver's daddy. Well...he is. What's mine is his, right? And I gave him crap about how lonely the ring finger on my left hand is. My favorite discussion about that:
Me: I love my new shirt!
Him: Well if you love it so much why don't you marry it?
(a few minutes pass)
Him: It's almost like I love you, or something.
Me: Well if you love me so much why don't you marry me?
I am aware this is a low blow, but good times.
This Wednesday is our 10 month anniversary! And I'm so excited! Want to know what he got me for 10 months? That super cute dress I've been wanting, as well as some money to get him a tie that matches it. Have I mentioned lately how madly and completely in love I am with this boy? Not just cause he spoils me, but because he makes me believe I deserve to be.
I got some lamps and an awesome deal on compact flourescents, 3 packs of "60W" for $1.99. This is why I love Ikea.
After Ikea we went to the Ralph Lauren Outlet and I got an oxford shirt for $24! That's pretty unheard of. I love Ralph Lauren but I normally cannot afford his clothes. I'm gradually picking things up when they are ridiculously on sale. So far I have this new shirt and a skirt I got for $15 last summer.
Steven and I went to the movies Saturday night after getting some slushies at 7/11. We went to go see Wall. E. I HIGHLY recommend that everyone go see it! Pixar has outdone themselves again! So cute, romantic, and environmentally aware. Steven and I both love kids movies! This is probably because we're both still kids at heart. To be honest, I love that about us.
This morning we were going to go play Putt-putt but the place was closed... bummer! We will have to go next time I'm in town, whenever that is. Since there was no putt-putt, we got lunch at a cute little pizza place. We got the white pizza, our favorite.
This weekend was so much fun! I really miss Steven. I miss how goofy he is and how goofy I am when I'm with him. I also love how much crap we give each other. I know, it's a weird thing to love about a relationship. He gave me crap when he found out I refer to him as Oliver's daddy. Well...he is. What's mine is his, right? And I gave him crap about how lonely the ring finger on my left hand is. My favorite discussion about that:
Me: I love my new shirt!
Him: Well if you love it so much why don't you marry it?
(a few minutes pass)
Him: It's almost like I love you, or something.
Me: Well if you love me so much why don't you marry me?
I am aware this is a low blow, but good times.
This Wednesday is our 10 month anniversary! And I'm so excited! Want to know what he got me for 10 months? That super cute dress I've been wanting, as well as some money to get him a tie that matches it. Have I mentioned lately how madly and completely in love I am with this boy? Not just cause he spoils me, but because he makes me believe I deserve to be.
3 Remarks:
He seriously gave you money to find him a tie to match the dress he bought you? Okay, he's a KEEPER!!! You have struck gold!
It doesn't get any better than that :-)
P.S. Totally love the marriage jab at him. Good one!
I know! He's so good to me! I love him so much!
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'