So this morning I got a wake up call at 8am. And I was glad of it. The night before, I was on the phone with Steven talking about how I was planning to get up and go for a run. That has been my plan every morning this summer... but at about 8am my bed just feels so comfy. Well this morning Steven calls me to wake me up and keep me accountable. To my surprise, I actually got up. Probably because he left me with "tell me all about your run later," so I had to get up and go. He is so amazing.
The whole reason I want to get back into my training program again is to keep up with is Mother. She is amazing, and so in shape! She blows me away. When I first met her I was actually running pretty regularly trying to work up to a 3K. Then I stopped. Every time I visit she asks me to be her running buddy. The last few times I have gone to visit 1) I threw my back out, long story, but it resulted from wearing bad shoes at work, and 2) we were so busy with her son, Patrick's, confirmation that we didn't have time to run. I was very glad for the distractions because I know this amazing, 40+ woman is going to totally school me distance wise (I'm a sprinter...my body likes that WAY more) and then she's going to ask me to play some tennis. ::tired face:: I love tennis! I wish I was better at it. She was on her college team and actually used to teach tennis.
There are a lot of things I want her to teach me:
1)How to quilt. Her grandmother taught her, and I have always wanted to know. I think passing down crafts is important. She made a quilt for each of her sons and they are so amazing and specialized. I would love to get a crafted quilt and I would love to make some for my children.
2) The family tortilla recipe. I want to get in on that. I found it once when I was cleaning Steven's room (he hid it from me and the whole family is supposed to keep it on lock-down. It better be my first wedding present, laughs) but I didn't look at it (how good am I) and I just kept organizing around it (yes, I clean his room).
3)How to make these amazing oatmeal butterscotch cookies! I baked them for her once when she prepared the batter, but I don't know the recipe. Major points cause they are Steven's Aunt's favorite cookies.
4) I want to know her secret of keeping it all together. She raised three boys, and she raised them spectacularly! On top of that she works full-time in a very highly competitive field and is pretty high up in rank. And she still his time for her passions... I swear, she's wonder woman.
5) How to improve my backhand. I have a horrible backhand, it's quite embarrassing...
Oh man... she sends me the best cards too. They always brighten up my day!
Anyways, long tangent...
My run was short, I took it really slow so I didn't hurt myself. Running has become a way for me to learn my neighborhoods. I just walk and run and see the sights.
Today I found:
An Elementary school I didn't know about
Cute 50's style craftsman houses just down the street, and they all had buckets to collect rainwater from the roof connected to the gutters... I loved it.
A HUGE German Sheppard that lives on the next block, it totally freaked me out
A nature museum that is currently under renovation
A street named Bennet St., the Janeite in me had a LOL moment
and A huge hill I never want to drive down
Pretty good for 8:30 am. And now I'm super tired.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'