All moved. I've still got tons of stuff to do to get this place fabulous. It's supposed to rain this week so I'm hoping it will cool things down enough for me to get motivated. My poor AC unit can't take this super heat. Unless maybe I put it down to 60... all I want is 75 and it gives me 80...still better then 90+. I'm trying not to think about my electric bill for next month... I'm also trying not to burn candles at night and fix all my meals in the dark... But I am unplugging everything at night but the fridge and the AC well everything is mostly unplugged except my computer and my router. I'm just stressing about the few hundred dollars I'm going to be paying every month. This is life. Can I be 10 again? Please?
It is really lonely living on your own. I'm always alone these days. But the feeling really set in today. Thankfully, I get my cat next weekend. I'm the lady that lives alone with her cats...in college. Never saw that coming. Things will get better once the school year starts. And once I get the apartment looking well enough for company. That might take some time. My furniture filled up my old apartment, but now things look a bit scarce. Whatever, I'm only going to be here a year. I'm trying NOT to accumulate stuff so that moving is easier. I'm going to be moving a bit farther then 2 blocks come spring. I don't know where exactly, but wherever Steven is. As of right now that could be:
1. Northern VA- Where he's from and where is family is. I love the area, it is great for a growing family and I love his family so I would have no objections to living with them. It is also close to DC, so tons of fun is just around the corner. It is 2 hours away from my hometown and that is just close enough. NOVA gets my first vote since it is familiar, yet different for me. I do worry that it would be dangerous to him. So I'm really willing to go anywhere. His dreams are the ones I want to support since I don't actually have any at the current moment.
2. California- His dream of dreams, he has always wanted to develop video games in Cali. I want to support his dreams, so I would uproot myself for him. It's just scary moving away from what I know. And what I know is being southern, whether I like it or not. I am at times very characteristically country.
3. Europe- The dream I have had for as long as I can remember, but what I feel is now a very unrealistic goal for us. Steven's mother (who I adore) appears to be really pushing the European envelope. The November elections will probably decide this one for us. In our opinion, if McCain wins we have to move, but those are our political qualms. If he goes I at least hope he waits for me since I'm the only one of us who has crossed the pond and who has experience getting around over there.
Only time will tell.
But give me some lovin,' I'm so bored and miss my man!
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'