I know I've been a bad little blogger just disappearing like I did. I've had so much going on. Mostly Oliver stuff. He's quite a handful. We're still working on cords. He needs to learn that he can't play with electrical cords for his own safety. He's also going through this phase of claws. Since he is so small he digs into things when he walks, that includes me. We're working on that too. We're also working on switching to solid foods because he's old enough and soft food adds up in cost. I'm also concerned about him getting every thing he needs nutritionally from fancy feast. Solids are proving difficult since he doesn't really like them. He sniffs them then starts digging on his placemat like he does in the litterbox... as in "Mom this stuff smells like crap"... but we're working on it. If I leave it out he will nibble on it: baby steps. That's the fluff-ball update.
On the romance field, I get to go see Steven tomorrow after work. Oliver is staying with a friend from work who has animals and who I trust with him. And I'm driving 4 hours to see my honey! Ugh! SO EXCITED! I miss him like crazy!
The picture is of the cutest dress I found that I want to get for Caitlin's wedding. I have been practically stalking stores trying to find a cute summer dress. This one is at Target and is by Issac Mizrahi. Now... a little history about me and Issac. He gets me every time! All of this clothes have the vintage cuts I crave and look fabulous in and his sizes are perfect for me, and by perfect I mean that I never have trouble with things fitting in one spot and not the other. I put his clothes on and they fit like a glove, they're flattering, cover all the wobbly bits, hug all the sexy bits, cover my huge chest, colors are always great, and they are just down right perfect for me. This particular dress is $39.99. Even though it's a line for Target Issac also always drains my pocketbook. Sigh. One day I'll wear the real deal that says Issac Mizrahi without the little line under it saying "for Target." One Day. Have I mentioned that the man is completely fabulous? I saw him on an interview with Oprah about 5 years ago and I was like... I would totally work for this man or just hang out with him. And I'm all about supporting easy-going, fun people. I don't have the time to deal with assholes. Anyone who is nice has my business forever.
My History of Costume class I finished this week got me nuts about old designers... I need to find a place that has fabulous vintage shops. Someplace like Europe, laughs. Most places around here run in the 80's vein of uh... "fashion." I'm talking about a place I can find vintage Chanel, or Dior.
2 Remarks:
I love the dress! It's totally awesome! and I too loooooooove Issac. He's fabulous.
Love the dress. Tis tres chic! And I got a kick out of "covers the wobbly bits and hugs the sexy parts." Haha! What every woman looks for in a dress!
I've seen kitties do the "this smells like crap" pawing. It's so funny!
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'