So just for kicks I was looking at information for the Yorktown beach. And it turns out that there is no fee to rent the beach for a wedding... Yorktown beach is probably my number one choice for a wedding site. The beach and I are kindred spirits. I love being out on the water and I love the ocean air. Not to mention it is an area I'm very familiar with, there is parking, and it's fairly close to the airport and numerous hotels as well as lots of touristy stuff for guests to do afterwards. There is a fee for using the new spiffy reception building that they have there, but the fee is really pretty reasonable.
Just more wishful thinking. I know so many people who are planning weddings or who just had them, so let me have my fun imagining a wedding I'm not really planning or that isn't happening for a very long time from now (as far as I know). Although... I could probably be ready in a week since I know exactly what I want. That's kind of sad.
2 Remarks:
What a lovely place to get married! It's good to plan these things out ahead of time because once you're engaged it all becomes a blur of emotion ;-)
that would be really pretty. I know several people who got married there last year and said they had a great experience. there are even places to hold a reception there on the boardwalk too!
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'