29 June 2008


So a person I went to school with in Gloucester sent me a message on Facebook that reads:

"So, my mom was reading the Gloucester Gazette and saw that you and Steve had gotten a marriage license. I suppose a congratulations are in order...."

Now, I haven't talked to this person since 11th grade English AP... and I have not applied for any marriage licenses unless I've developed an alter-ego that takes control of my body and some how managed to get Steven to sign some paperwork... Indeed, a very great super-power to have... I am Marriage Girl? The facilitator of things that currently seem impossible?

Anyone know about this? Anyone got a copy of the most recent Gazette Journal? Anybody else having a good laugh with me?

Small town gossip. I love it. This is even better then the one about me converting to Hinduism.

You can't even buy this much publicity. :D

3 Remarks:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. that's awesome! I don't have the latest copy but now I REALLY want to see it. hehe.

littlecalder said...

hey, marriage girl... can ya help a sistah out?

littlecalder said...

i just emailed mom asking if she had a copy of it, so we'll see!

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