Just a reminder babettes, you all need to register to vote by October 6th in order to vote in the November election. That will be here before you know it, so hop-to-it. This might be a basic fact to point out but you can't vote without registering. If you're already registered to vote and need to sign up for your absentee ballots then go ahead and do that soon too.
Even if you aren't going to vote for my home-boy Obama--and that's ok--I still want you all to get involved with the democratic process. This election is pivotal to both sides. If nothing else you need to neutralize my vote, as well as all the votes of my friends.
3 Remarks:
oh, i'm ready. last month i changed my registration location to norfolk so i don't have to take the day off to go to g-town, and i'm just waiting for my new voter card to come in the mail. hopefully "home-boy obama" has a chance. but i've got a friend who was in politics and she thinks the republicans will buy the presidency (again).
Well they won't if we have anything to say about it! A lot of people are just fed up with it all. I'm hoping that translates into votes. I registered to vote just so I could vote for Obama before the primaries. I've been following him from the beginning.
this really bothers me about sarah palin: she supports and practices "aerial hunting"...shooting wolves from small airplanes or helicopters as "predator control". that's not hunting, that's un-sportsmanlike! http://www.slate.com/id/2199140/
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