Until last weekend I had never been to Fredericksburg and I had no idea it was historical. I had no idea George Washington grew up near there. I had no idea that it was a cute town with great colonial houses. Who knew?
If you're ever in the lovely little town o' Fredericksburg, never eat at the Battlefield restaurant. You will ask yourself: "Is there anything on this menu that is not swimming in gravy?"
After the precursor for pepto-bismol, it was off to the trolley tour.
Then we stopped at a local ice cream shoppe where I wished that I wasn't on a diet. I had a chocolate banana protein shake that I've been trying to convince myself for a week that it wasn't packed with sugar. Cause if it was full of sugar, I should of just had the dang handmade ice cream.
Then came the antiquing. When my parents visit, or really any time we meet up with them, there is always antiquing. This is always when I realize that Mr. S really does truly love me. For 1, he has spent an entire day with my folks and didn't run away screaming, and 2, he actually spent time around useless old shit, as he likes to call it. I like old things, but only if they're reasonably priced, and still usable. I have a flare for the vintage, don't get me wrong, but it has to be done correctly.
I'm pleased as punch to say that I found these beauts! Vintage Armani glasses...for $20. Since I'm going blind I decided to get them and have them re-prescribed. Someone somewhere has to do that, right?
And, if I look a little dazed and confused in the last one, it's because I can't see a dang thing with the former owner's prescription in those puppies.
Speaking of puppies...I think a pair of hush puppies would suit these very nicely.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'