Cause it comes up with some awesome ideas!
I've been fiddling with the idea of tiling my backsplash but I hate all the tiles I've found...
I was eating a salad for lunch (cheer me on folks) and I was thinking about old school general stores, which make me think of tin ceiling tiles, which also makes me think of how much my mum loves them. And the weird thing is that it's one of the only things we like together.
Then I was looking ceiling is too modern and large to pull it off...
My backsplash...totally open and needing a modern twist on something old-school. Silver with all my black appliances and my black countertops...not to mention it's was easier to put up than tile...
Oh it is going to be delicious! I just hope it's something I don't have to special order cause we could get this done this weekend!

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'