1. Pumpkins...anything and all things pumpkin: picking them from the patch, carving them, eating them, drinking them at Starbucks...I just love um. I also love my homemade pumpkin dip and some ginger snaps.
2. My annual trip to Blacksburg to visit my college and some amazing friends...and it's going down this weekend! One of my lady's is having a pig roast in her backyard so there will be tons of fun, a bonfire, and some good ole' mountain drinkin'...which my lame butt can't do because of this stupid diet I'm on...Le sigh. My camera is packed and hopefully I use it this trip.
You voted and I'm the worst amateur photographer ever.
3. Halloween. This will be the first time in 2 years that I haven't had to work halloween night...and I'm going to see some trick or treaters, dang it! Last year we only had two, according to Mr. S, but he still got to see them! Our neighborhood is definitely geared more for young professionals without kids, but somebody needs to knock on my door or I will be forced to dress the cats up again. Bramston ate said costumes from last year, so I can't re-use them and I love to torture my animals...mostly Penelope, because she forgets how to wlk when you put anything on her. It's love, really.
4. Leaves and mums. My garden in the fall is so fun! It's a lot of work but the temperature is perfect. I love putting away the summer stuff and putting out the pumpkins, mums, wreathes, and doing all the prep work to get my plants through the winter. It's kind of like putting them to bed. I read them a story, tuck them in with mulch, and plant some pansies as little nightlights for the winter.
5. Thanksgiving! Oh, the food and the people! My house is holiday central and I love to have people over for some good noms.
6. Christmas shopping! It's totally that time to think about gifts. This year I'm having a "no random crap" policy when it comes to gifts. I hate, hate, hate all teh left over things I can't find a home for that I either end up giving away or putting in a closet. I'm the kind of person that really loves gift cards. Really, they aren't impersonal, they're perfect.
It's a little early for stores to have stuff out...but they do, and I've been bad...Someone actualyl told me to be Mrs. Claus for Halloween...it's teh most perfect costume idea for me since...I'm totally Mrs. Claus and Mr. S is really short for Mr. Santa and our house in in the North Pole. :)
Anywho, Happy Harvesting!

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'