17 October 2010

Decisions: 1

So now that my living room is actually starting to look like...you know...a living room, I'm moving on to what the next house purchase should be. Since Thanksgiving is around the corner, I think that a dining table might be just the ticket.

Last year we had Thanksgiving kind of non-traditionally...on the floor. We borrowed a table from Mr. S's parents, took the legs off, and put in on blocks on the floor of where my living room is now. Classy, I know, but there was no way we could find 8 chairs to fit all the people we had on the budget we had.

It all turned out really well though, and the food was to-die-for, so much so, that my bestie and I have already started putting together the menu. For some reason our house has become the holiday house. I'm ok with this, but Mr. S isn't quite sure why we're always sharing holidays with so many people. I love it though...a lot. So this year...there is no place for anyone to come and eat unless we have people out on the deck. Since it will be the end of November, I don't think this is a realistic option and I secretly want a huge family table.

But I don't know what I want! Well, I did until I went to the store and completely talked myself out of my first choice.  That's where you can help me friends.  These are the two finalists, both are from Crate and Barrel:                                                                             

The Lovely Basque collection, shown first.  We would most likely get the honey color (not shown) since it doesn't seem to scuff as much as the darker color and it matches our kitchen cabinets very well.  The chairs are sturdy and I love the idea of the bench, since it can seat more people and it screams little house on the prairie/family.

And since we don't live on the prairie (and I hope we never do), we have the Kipling extension table.  I love the flair on the back of the chairs.  I love that it extends, since we have limited space now, but one day we might have the beautiful fortune of living in a bigger house.  I also love the dark color because it matches the rest of the furniture we have.  What I don't like are the legs.  They are very traditional...almost touching on geriatric.  Dontcha think?  However, they are offering a deal from now until the end of November for a 9 piece set for less than a 6 piece set of the Basque with a bench (the bench is cheaper than 2 chairs)...so that's a definite plus.

Decisions, decisions.  Anywho, which one would you like to sit at if you ever came to dinner: the rustic Basque or the modern/old Kipling that just makes me think of Charlotte's apartment in Sex and the City...am I the only one possibly seeing that?

I'm losing it.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'

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