What in the blue-blazes should I do with this room?
(PS- Sorry for all the crap photos lately. I can't find my boo's camera, and he stole the keyboard to my comp with my photo software that uploads the pics off my nice camera...so you're stuck with photobooth--crappy, but convenient)
This is my smallest bedroom upstairs. I'm just stumped with what I can put in here except for my drying rack, obviously.
We have an office downstairs, so it seems pointless for me to make this into an office and it has periodically also been used for guests when we have a large number of people over. We have even borrowed a twin bed and put it in there before.
Ideally, I'd like to fill it with babies since it is directly across from our room and you can't fit much in there except miniature things. That isn't in the works right now, but one day that room will be baby station, so I'd like to do something with this room that isn't going to cause me to have to store a lot of furniture later. I was thinking we could just get one of those cribs that converts to a headboard and use it as a bed now and turn it back into a crib later. I also really love trundle beds.
I don't really have time for hobbies, so a hobby room won't help me much. I barely have time to keep it all together as it is.
Do you have any ideas? Anything fun, creative, good use of the space, fairly inexpensive and not set in stone?

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'