Every office needs a demanding overlord. Miss Penelope is mine. |
I told you that I was a busy beaver this weekend, so I hope you like the fruits of my labor! I spent most of the weekend trying to do something with my third bedroom. I decided to go with someplace that I can do hobbies and crafts. Since this blog is a major hobbie, I needed a place to put my computer to make it a little more comfortable. I had been doing all my photo editing in our kitchen...ew. Since I would also like to get better with my camera, I wanted a place that I could work.
I also wanted to spend as little money as I possibly could. I spent about $70 on this entire room because I had most of the stuff tucked away in boxes.
The desk was an attachment I got at Ikea for $50 that fit onto a bookshelf I was using as a tv stand. These shelves are great because they can got vertical or horizontal and I know that I can definitely use this again if I have to take apart this room. Since I stole the tv stand I did have to buy the honey a new media stand, which Ikea readily supplied for quite a bit of dough.
The vintage-y blue chair was $20.
The paint was left over from when I painted our bedroom. I had to combine the two grays since I was low on both colors. The combination looks exactly the same as my room. The awesome flowers were something I picked up before I left college that have just been sititng in a closet. The curtains used to be in our bedroom as well, and the chair was a gift from my first Pier 1 store that doesn't match anything in the house. I still love it.
Most of the stuff in here are things that don't really match the rest of the house or that are personal to me and not to Mr. S. In the rest of the house, I've been trying to use things that are more "us." However, the honey has his office and now I have mine. We've found that it's important to have our own space to work. My hippie music does not blend well with zombie killing. :)
Anyway, what do you think? Not bad for something I threw together in a day and a half, eh?

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'