I would have thought I could go with another 10, but she pulled out 20. 20? I wanted to cry. Just this past 10 has been painfully slow to get off. I mean I'm going to the gym 6+ hours a week and eating so clean my intestines could pass a white glove test. It has taken me 2 months just to lose 6-8 pounds! At this rate, it would take me 6 months to get where she wants me. It's super frustrating because I can't loose weight quickly anymore. One summer I lost 30 pounds in 3 months. Amazing. Why can't it come off like that anymore? (Because you're losing much more realisticly and healthy this time, dumb-dumb). Grumbles.
I think it would take 2 hours of cardio and weights a day, for 6 days a week to get me there at a regular pace. Can you say frustrating? Who has time for that? I barely have time to sleep, or see people as it is!
Grumbles...part of me wants to just say f-you lady, I'm eating this whole chocolate cake. The other part of me really wants to do it. Le sigh.
If you need me, I guess I'll be at the gym. We do have a weigh-in tonight...yay? Not so much

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'