(The most ferocious of animals: Oliver Linux)
(DOF with the bamboo. I had a long lens on and he was far away. I wish I could have gotten more detail on him.)
(Toes...I like toes and wrinkles.)
(DOF spit up everywhere on this one.)
(And last butt not least, elephant butt, because it's cute to be curvy.)
That's all you're getting because the only other time I picked up the camera this week was to take this picture of the dog:
My goal was to steal a friend's baby for this one. Conceiving a baby just for You Capture assignments didn't fly with the Steve-o (not entirely sure why). I even bought some props for our friend's kiddo that would have been adorable in DOF. Like--so adorable I want to kick some parents--adorable. I also had the ambitious plans of trying it manual for the first time since high school photo class. Silly people not handing over their children to me, psh! Why else am I the unofficial godmother anyway? Alright, I do give pretty killer clothes and presents.
Beth over at ishouldbefoldinglaundry.com was fortunate enough to already have a beautiful baby boy on hand as a foot model for this one. Check out her awesome toe shots! I just want to kiss um.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'