Absolute craziness.
What did the honey and I do to celebrate our victory? Well, we went to Carmello's, an Italian restaurant we've always wanted to try, to celebrate my birthday post weigh-in. It was divine! We had a mini, pesto pizza for an appetizer, I had alfredo tortellini, and then I had the triple layer chocolate mousse cake! And who do you think would have walked in while we were being so naughty? One of the trainers from the gym. You can't even plan such serendipity, folks.
I'm pretty sure I gained all 11 pounds back. I couldn't have, could I? Naw, but I'm determined not to eat at all today to make up for it.
I already did some squats and leg exercises with my elastic bands...thinking about a run when I get off work too. Cause I'm determined not to gain any back.
Determined, ya'll.

1 Remarks:
if your trainer can go there, you should be able to, too. ;)
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'