It's extremely difficult for me to wait for my favorite holiday: Christmas. I live for it the whole year. Lately I've been thinking" "oh, I should start present hunting and baking goodies...getting out my holiday tunes and all that jazz." However, I will sit here patiently waiting until at least Halloween.
My birthday is coming up and I'm really excited about that too. Like...Christmas excited for it. Today at lunch, I told Steven I wanted a birthday tree of my own and I'm half tempted to put up my little 2 ft tree and put some really colorful not-so-christmasie-ornaments on it. I'm also hoping that the birthday-Santa leaves me some goodies under this tree. :D
I'm still debating what to do for my birthday. I've scheduled a cleaning and orthodontist consultation for the day before...completely boring, but they need to be done. I've taken 2 days off, so I should have a long weekend to myself if the pier is generous and doesn't schedule me. I'm hopeful, but not delusional. I really want to take a day and go to the city either solo or with the Steben. We live 45 minutes from D.C. and we never get up there. Shameful, isn't it?
Oh! Also excited that amazon has informed me that the new Sookie Stackhouse book has been shipped and will, I hope, arrive on the book's release date. Lately, I've lived for book releases. I've done more pre-ordering off of amazon in the past few weeks then in the whole existence of amazon.com. Once Hitch 22 arrives I'll probably disappear for a good week or so until I go to a book meet-and-greet with the author...
Also, in other life events: I have fluorescent orange pee. Yeah, you read that correctly. It's a side effect from one of the medications I'm taking to get rid of a bladder infection. Very nasty and annoying things that completely disrupt your life. I genuinely hope you've never experienced one. I'm trying to take it as easy as I can, but I know that I'm just not getting enough sleep. I never get enough sleep these days.
All work and no play really does make Ms. Domestique a dull girl...I know, I know...

2 Remarks:
I used to get bladder infections and UTI's quite a lot. So I know the deal. Bright orange pee is NO FUN!
Well...I do find it pretty entertaining. I just wish I could pick the color. I think a nice purple would be lovely. ;)
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'