Everyday Steven and I run home for our lunch break. Today, I was flying solo since he wanted to have lunch with a work buddy. Since I'm not that sick anymore, I was feeling a ton of "get it done" energy.
I decided to have a "power lunch" (you know--power nap, power walk, etc.) so that the house wouldn't be in a shambles later this weekend when my parents come to town. Maybe one day our house will look like a home...and maybe the day after that, it will look like a home featured in Home and Gardens. Anywho...
This is what I got done:
- Let Bramston out of his crate to relieve himself. He's only 6 months old so we're still crating when we aren't home. However, we always go home for lunch everyday to give him a break. 8 hours in there would be the sucks. I should also point out that he is in a 48 in tall crate right now...that's huge! And we're about to upgrade to the 56in (a small room).
- Gave an exasperated sigh because he had already pee'd himself. I really think he enjoys it because the vet says he can hold it for 8 hours. I know he loves the, almost daily, baths we have to give him.
- Loaded the dishwasher and started it
- Moved Mother's Day gifts to one side of the kitchen for future wrapping
- Moved the wrapping paper to the work area in the kitchen so Steven would remember that my birthday is coming up and to please produce presents wrapped and ready for inspection.
- Tidied up the countertops and opened some mail from my orthodontist.
- Clorox'd the countertops.
- Sorted recycling to take outside.
- Changed into my nice pants. They 're from Anne Taylor LOFT and I love them oh-so-much because they're the only dress pants I have that fit right now. I feel bad wearing jeans to work, but I don't want to buy new pants yet (still losing). I needed them to work at the Pier tonight since jeans are completely against the dress code. The pants have been getting a lot of action lately and since they're dry clean only (didn't know that when I bought them), I've been trying to get a lot of wear out of them before I send them to the cleaners.
- Realized that they are splashed with lots of dog drool. My dog drools. My dog drools a lot. It's the one, and only, thing I don't like about his breed. Other than that, Newfies are top-notch dogs, but we have to keep towels around to wipe him off.
- Remembered to take my antibiotics
- Started a load of laundry
- Said a silent "Thank you!" to our water heater for being big enough to let me do dishes and laundry at the same time. Love it!
- Carried a stack of books downstairs and put them back on the bookcase
- Thought about hitting the "clean" button on the Roomba, but then I decided I'd need to clean out the dirt-trap first and the floors weren't looking that bad.
- Put the pup back in his crate with a new red teddy bear I found at work. He loves to carry around his little babies. Only once has he torn one apart.
- Grabbed my keys
- Said "Good-bye" to Penelope, who was on the steps--yelling at me.
- Watered the plants. My petunias need some help this year. Send "grow-baby-grow" thoughts to my purple petunias, please.
- Thought: I really should put window boxes in...tried to think of a way to do that without drilling into the house...the jury is still out on that one.
- Started to drive to Subway since it's on the way back to work
- Wondered why a guy was walking down the road in just swim trunks when we aren't anywhere near the beach.
- Got a little saddened by the fact we aren't by the beach since the weather is so great right now. Need to schedule a trip to the wah-tah!
- Turned down a date from a construction worker named Howard working outside the Subway. This was probably the most interesting conversation I've ever had with a random person. I ended up telling him I was engaged. It seemed like the easiest thing to say...but I'm not really engaged. Tomaaato, tomahto. I mean I've been in a completely monogamous relationship for almost 3 years, we live together, share a bank account, have fur-babies...I mean it's close enough of an explanation for dear Howard. Since he hadn't broken into my car while I was in the Subway or done anything shady, I decided to take it as a self-esteem booster. And apparently, Howard likes drool covered pants.
- Ate my sub in the car
- Added lite mayo stains to the drool on my poor pants

1 Remarks:
i think my favorite is number 26... you heartbreaker! :)
ps- i like that my name shows up as ferdinand....
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'