I've done all I can to try to fix it and even figured out how to change the layout configurations of blogger on my own. My html and CSS skills are ok for what they are, but when you live with a professional coder and web developer...why not just ask him to fix it? Yeah, that's what I think too.
Also, come hell or high water, I will be taking some new photos for this thing. I need to find my camera...shoot, I want to buy a new camera (suggestions welcome). That's what I asked Steven to get me for my birthday...I'm super crossing my fingers for a DSLR camera...or something very expensive and shiny that sits, ever so perfectly, on my left hand. Like that's happening...psh!
Anywho, I digress. I really wanted to pass along this website: http://www.mylivesignature.com/ I've tried before in photoshop to make my own blog signature. Little did I know that there are generators for this. Le sigh! I could of had one all along. I do love it so! Check it out:

1 Remarks:
Aren't those web designers handy? I married one and while I designed my blog and made the header, he got to do the rest! I recommend any Nikon DSLR. I have the D40 which sadly, they don't make anymore. I think it became the D300?
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'