06 May 2010


As I promised you yesterday, here is more information about a photo challenge I'm taking on. Beth at ishouldbefoldinglaundry.com hosts You Capture where, she assigns a weekly photo theme for everyone to capture on film. Last week the challenge was spring, and this week the even tougher challenge was Spring {again}: only different. I feel like I'm semi-cheating since I didn't do it last week, but I just found her blog this week...if I had known about it, I totally would have done it!

After the crazy winter we had in the DC area, I am very thankful for spring. I'm thankful that I can wear  colorful clothing and paint my toe nails and go outside and take the dog for walks without freezing.  The list could go on forever!

For the challenge, I've taken the opportunity to compile a photo-list of the things I'm thankful for this spring (think of it as a practice run for Thanksgiving):

  1. As of this month, Steven and I have officially made it through a year of living together.  You want to know how I feel about that?  I'm more in love with him than I was 3 years ago when we started dating.  No lie.  I 100% live for the moments we get to spend together, even if we're doing boring tasks like grocery shopping.
  2. My best friend left for Greece today.  She gave me these flowers.  I'm thankful for them because I love roses, but I'm also very grateful for her enduring friendship.  I know that she is going to have a blast in Europe over the next 3 months.  I'm a little jealous, truth-be-told.  She will be keeping a detailed blog of her adventures HERE under a fake pseudo-gnome.  No, really.
  3. My birthday is in 5 days!  Those are my presents.  I'm so lucky that my Steven still wants to spoil me on my birthday!  Another reason to love him.
  4. What would I do without aloe vera to save me from the soon-to-be sunburns?  Ouchies.  At least in the spring the sun doesn't hurt so much.
  5. Dog drool.  Ok, not so much, but I love my critters and their zest for life.  I need to learn from them.
  6. The flowers growing in our window boxes and the netting to keep the bugs out--got to love that.
  7. The fact that this room is completely clean...it used to be filled with all the crap from our move and that crap has pretty much sat there all year...that is until Spring Cleaning!  I've ordered some furniture too, so we should have a living room soon!
Now, go check out Beth's You Capture HERE...and maybe participate with me next week.  The new challenge is yellow...it's going to be a toughie.

But, before you go look at her fabulous page, I want to know what you're thankful for this spring?

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4 Remarks:

tippytoe foxtrot said...

I love the shot of you two kissing. It's so casual, yet telling (in a very, very good way, of course)! Congratulations on your 1 year mark of living together. It goes by quickly, doesn't it?

Bec said...

I am just thankful that spring decided to finally show up! Iowa winters=not so fun! I'm glad you decided to join YouCapture ;)

Ms.Domestique said...

tippytoe- It has just flown by! I lucked out with that little picture since he hates to get his picture taken. Got to just pin him down!

Bec- Thanks! It was a fun assignment. I'm trying to come up with something for yellow that doesn't involve snapping a picture of the school bus I follow to work every morning. :D

Sonja said...

ha! pseudo-gnome..... i love it. and i <3 you too! :)

i'll be posting a bunch of pics there soon, possibly tonight? or this afternoon for you.. ;)

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'

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