So much has been changing with me lately that I have a major itch to change some other things.
For instance, have I mentioned that I'm going blind? Not really, but kind of, sort of, maybe. For a good month I was convinced I was loosing it because everything was blurry. I thought I was a threat to other drivers and I'd never be able to read my precious books again. Dramatic much? Sometimes. However, it freaked me out enough to get my eyes checked.
Turns out, I have astigmatism in my left eye, so I can't focus very well on things that are far away. The problem got super irritated by all the time I have to spend on the computer these days. There is also a slight prescription over all, so the optometrist said I'm legal to drive without glasses, but if I wanted to, I could get computer glasses. Yay? Since my problem hasn't gotten much better and I'm straining all the time I figure it's time to break down and get some glasses for work and maybe reading. Since both of my parents wear corrective lenses I know that it's only a matter of time. Because I read so much for fun I'm very dependent on my eyes.
I'd like something like this for cheap:
Another thing that is different is that I need braces again. Again, you ask? Yeah, again. Long story short: I have permanent retainers (hate them passionately), top half of them broke, never fixed it (dentist directed), so top teeth are moving all over the place like a country bumpkin's dental dream. I got quoted $4500 to have invisalign for a year. That's a few thousand cheaper than traditional braces. I was floored!
I'm saving up all my pennies and hoping that it really won't take a whole year...that seems like a really long time to me because I don't have that much to move around. Thinking about getting a second opinion from Steven's old orthodontist. I know it's basically just cosmetic, but it super bothers me. It's getting to the point that I won't smile in pictures and I love to smile. I smile a lot! I don't want to stop smiling, ever.
Until I save enough, I'm whitening for the summer. I love coffee and that's no secret. I drink a lot of it since I'm always on the go and feeling drained half the time. Even though the Crest White-strips are OK, they've gotten gross and slide around and you have to wear them 30 minutes. I don't have 30 minutes of time like that just laying around. So I'm doing the Crest 3D whitening tooth paste that promises to remove 90% of stains in 14 days and the Crest 3D whitening mouthwash and, shoot, maybe some strips since I bought a box in the winter.
Tomorrow I have an appointment to get my hair cut. It was a pre-scheduled thing, but I really want to come out with something cute. A friend just went short and I want her haircut!. We all know how I love some short hair...I'm resisting. The shortest I'll go is mid-neck to shoulder. Trying a new stylist because the last one I got really didn't understand that I don't blow-dry, I don't use product, and I don't have time to spend 20 minutes on my hair. I comb, air dry, and go, and then I do my make-up in the car.
I also switched up my shampoo and conditioner to Organix. Steven says I have the most on-again-off-again relationship (OK, he said affair) with hair products. I've just decided to stop buying shampoo in bulk. It seems like a great idea at the time, but unless you have a family of 5 you're never, ever, going to use up the shampoo you buy at Cost-co. Ever. So I'm on a more sensible track that will allow me to switch products without wasting a gallon of Herbal Essences (crap).
The most pivitol change is that I've lost so much weight. I have gotten rid of half of my clothes with the remaining half being pajamas and workout clothes. The other stuff that's left doesn't flatter me anymore because my body shape has changed. I'm not sure what my new shape is, but this is a great time to put some adorable pieces in my wardrobe!
Things I must get:
1. 3/4 sleeve cardigans. I own a lot of full-armed cardigans, probably too many. However, I always end up rolling the sleeves up and I think that's a bit frumpy and annoying.
2. New purse
3. More ballet flats
4.Tank tops that aren't loosey goosey, cause I have one and it's going to get super hot soon.
5.Shorts I can wear to work.
6. New perfume and maybe some cologne for Mr. S cause I want us both to be fancy.
7. A suit, just cause I think I should have one.
Top it all off with a pedicure and I might just be ready for summer!